Some middle-aged guy on the Internet. Seen a lot of it, occasionally regurgitating it, trying to be amusing and informative.

Lurked Digg until v4. Commented on Reddit (same username) until it went full Musk.

Was on (dying/dead) and (mysteriously vanished). Now here on

Really hoping he hasn’t brought the jinx with him.

Other Adjectives: Neurodivergent; Nerd; Broken; British; Ally; Leftish

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • Mental health problems by any chance? He may need more help than family can provide if you want him to get back on his feet (and out the door).

    It would be a good sign if he seems like he wants to get his own place again, even if he’s not able to make steps towards it.

    Source: I’d probably be in the same boat if the laws and property upkeep rules were stricter here. Even so, I’d be wanting to get out of family accommodation ASAP. My family are good people, but I can’t spend long periods with them. There might be a hint or two in that somewhere.

    (But whatever you do, please don’t fail to be kind.)

  • Most of the old buildings (usually churches / cathedrals) here have been built upon and changed over the centuries so what you see above ground is still old, but it’s not - at least comparatively - ancient.

    I’m in England. I may or may not be in a town that has something like that, but even the places that don’t have something are within a couple of hours’ drive of somewhere that does.

    I will say that where I am is listed in the Domesday book, but that isn’t saying much to be fair.

  • Sounds like a job for a USB trial run on a rainy weekend when you’re not doing anything else.

    Nvidia supply OEM drivers for the Debian family (Debian, Ubuntu, Mint), if not others, assuming the open-source drivers don’t cut it for you. Microcode updates are released for both Intel and AMD.

    You’ll probably run into issues with some games. Things are getting better on Linux, slowly and steadily, but many games are written specifically for Windows with no Linux port available. Steam’s store, for example, shows which games are SteamOS compatible, which usually means they’ll run on Linux too.

    For other games it’s worth checking the Internet - e.g. to see if anyone else has a particular game running under Linux. You’re probably aware that there are programs that attempt to provide some layer of Windows behaviour that form part of the solution. Some of the solutions may or may not involve command line use.

  • Peroxide and then hypochlorite bleach. Not at the same time. There are products that contain them if you can’t get them neat. In fact I recommend those.

    Try the peroxide first. Dilute as necessary. Wipe or spray on. Leave it on for a while to loosen anything and everything it can. After a while fill with hot (60-80C) water, but beware of thermal shock. Leave to stand until warm, not hot. Try to clean the glasses as best you can. This may be all you need.

    If not, try the bleach. Same steps, but make sure you’re in a well ventilated area. I’ve found that while it stinks up the place, the mould just peels right off and into the hot bleach solution.

    If the glasses smell of bleach afterwards, fill with warm water and leave for a day or two. Repeat as necessary. The bleach will dissipate eventually.

  • That’s a thorny question: Do comments need to be in the base standard, or can that be offloaded to those building on it? It doesn’t look like it would be hard to have (comment "foo bar baz") in an expression and have a re-parser throw that out.

    Is the complaint that no two groups of people will use the same comment standard if left to their own devices? It’s not like the other data from different sources will always match up. What’s one extra, and fairly easy to handle SNAFU?

    That said, yes, I think I’d be more comfortable knowing there was an accepted comment format. The aesthetic seems to be Lisp-like, and I notice that the Lisp comment marker, the semicolon, is currently a reserved character, that is, it’s illegal to use it unquoted. Maybe they’re thinking of adding that at some point.