Good thing Mexico sent more military to the border to guard it, it’ll be overrun by people trying to get vaccines in a normal country
Good thing Mexico sent more military to the border to guard it, it’ll be overrun by people trying to get vaccines in a normal country
Eh, no, still hard no.
Just because one evil becomes a bigger evil that doesn’t mean we should just use the other evil
Trump really loves tianmen square, no?
Every year there are big celebrations, it’s always fun on that square, so many colors of red…
Yeah better get it now, it’ll be gone soon too
So what you’re trying to say is that that single guy justifies any of this? Or are you trying to say that all Indian citizens behave like that guy?
What ARE you trying to say here?
What Debian based distro with systemd and KDE but without snap could be recommended for use in offices, companies?
Its going to be interesting to see how I can degoogle my phone
I’ve already stopped using search nearly a decade ago, I only still had a storage subscription (and with that, YouTube premium) which I just now stopped.
The only service I’m still interested in is YouTube because of the content, the rest can die in a fire, I’m going full self hosting
YouTube has revance, right?
What’s the best non Google OS for a phone? I have a OnePlus 12
Yeah Google, wait, wait, I’m leaving already, I’ve already stopped my storage subscription, but gimme a second pleaase, stop pushing me away that hard!
Yiyre kidding, right? I was quite literally waiting for this news. It never wss an if, just how bad
Yeah so at first I thought that Putin brought trump, now it seems he just rented him, and now Elmo musk is paying the rent for full control.
Cheeto is just a… What’s the word I’m looking for, a guy who rents out himself for money… Mmmmm…
I’m not trying to commit a coup, you are!
Trump suggested creating permanent refugee communities funded by the U.S., calling Gaza a “real estate development for the future.”
I will make the best Economy evah!
Lol no, om going to use the US funds to pay for millions of refugees that I artificially created so that I can have my very own Riviera for free
Please stop.
Just stop.
These stupid make belief conspiracy theories aren’t helpful. Yes, trump is a fucking tyrant, but just inventing crap doesn’t help
Any investor stupid enough to put money into anything musk says will lose it all and I will point and laugh
Do you have any experience installing only office?
I’ve tried installing it many times over the past decade with only one successful attempt about a decade ago.
Every few years I try to install it again and fail
I’m trying to install it now but again, nothing. I’ve tried installing it using the official scripts which wreck the operating system. Dame for using the official debs.
So I tried using the docker version and that just doesn’t do anything at all. I try opening the page on the right port and it connects and disconnects immediately.
I’ve used only office and it’s awesome. However, nothing is as hard to install as onlyofffice
And yet again: install Linux. I’ve been a happy lojix desktop user forever 2 decades now. Linux was ready for normal users 10 years ago, it was more than ready 5 years ago, and it is definitely beyond ready today
Ah so he’s again going to pay twice the amount of what it’s worth to then run of off a cliff and make it worth 20% of it’s real value within a years time?
Seriously, why do people still believe anything this scammer says?
Yeah I’m sorry, but when I know you’re religious, any religion, I’ll think less of you. I won’t treat you any different, hell, I will go out of my way to try and show respect for your dumbass skydaddy beliefs, but yeah, I’ll think less of you because frankly, you are. You’re stuck with the mindset of a 5 year old
Yikes, talking about hitting AND completely missing the point
Apple never was, and never will be not an evil company so why the surprise? Of course they do.