• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 17th, 2024


  • Yep, this too. They used to feel cool despite being a large corporation. Now they feel like a corporate cesspool with Apps and anti-unions and $10 sandwiches smaller than the size of a drink coaster. It’s not fun anymore, and it’s not fun to just be there, especially with people running in and out with the App to just grab things.

    But look in the positive side, although they probably lost or will lose 30% of their customer base, at least they can increase profits by 1 percent by having more back-end tracking data to sell from some remaining customers willing to download a shitty ad-infected closed source App!

  • Their prices are so expensive. Corporate executives do whatever they need to in order to increase profits right now, even if it destroys a customer base.

    Starbucks also often don’t have bathrooms anymore. Starbucks used to be a place you could go to, sit down, use a bathroom if you wanted, use the Internet, and then buy something reasonably priced if you felt like it, but also just be there without buying anything.

    Now they want KYC through an App before you buy a $20 Latte so you can get a QR code in the App to use a bathroom, if they have one. The enshitification is real and then they are shocked-gasp, shocked!-that fewer people are there. “Why don’t they like the QR Codes?”

  • The fact that things like this happen in the US shows how corrupt lawmakers and the judiciary have become.

    In the US, if you don’t have money, your life is worthless, according to lawmakers and the courts. And, according to the latest Supreme Court decision signed off on by hypocritical Christian Amy Coney Barret, you can be a criminal just because of being poor: yep, that’s what fake imaginary jesus would have definitely wanted.

    She obviously doesn’t believe the bible fairy-tale on some level or she wouldn’t have agreed with the ruling.

    Here is her disgusting hypocrisy on full-blast, the supposed Christian, ruling as jesus would, that the poor are criminals for sleeping: https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/23pdf/23-175_19m2.pdf. (She did not write it, but as a Pro-life in all cases Christian, the hypocrisy is fucking astounding.)

    It’s unbelievably disgusting. Even if she knows jesus is fake, it’s cruel and evil. I am mentioning this case because it sets the tone for how people are treated in the US. If a poor person can be locked up for being unable to stay awake, of course they can pull organs out from a criminal without permission. Why not? They can do anything they want until global warming finally comes with its revenge, destroying the planet for the idiocy of the upper-class selfish myopic morons who demand it with their selfishness.

  • i hate to say it, but this is a really good response

    it’s true that a lot of these right-wing religious people are awful people. i just wish that we lived in a better world in which people would never vote for idiots like this and there would be financial protection for people as they aged and became less intelligent, but not incapable of managing all aspects of their lives

    ask yourself this: if a random person mike lindell’s age offered 5 million dollars if someone could prove the earth isn’t flat, would someone ever be allowed to collect that in court?

    but perhaps i am living in a fantasy world by seeing these people as less pernicious than they are, and your point is taken that he is part of a white-nationalist movement that is scary and evil, and perhaps i should be glad when anything slows it down or stops it from spreading instead of nit-picking over the logistics of such. i do think religion and racism are both a sort of cognitive infection that afflict the stupid, and it’s not entirely their fault for being stupid and susceptible to infection. as much as i hate racism and right-wing people, this really feels exploitative to me, even if Mike Lindell is infected

  • No one of even mild to low intelligence thinks Mike Lindell is a credible person.

    This is a person who had a positive attitude and made a lot of money making pillows, then got older. He is religious and religion and aging affected his brain, especially because he’s clearly not that bright to begin with as evidenced by his religious beliefs. Plenty of people do well in society without being that intelligent because they have a positive attitude.

    Stripping this person of 5 million dollars is a form of laissez-faire elder abuse wrapped in the artifice of polite society and it’s blatantly vile.

    Just because he’s a disgusting right-wing religious idiot doesn’t mean that elder abuse is acceptable, and intelligent people in society should have the decency to prevent this sort of thing from happening.

  • People have died due to the greed and corruption of the leadership of Boeing. The people at the top have in fact gotten huge financial rewards by taking actions that were likely to kill people. There is no mechanism in US society to hold these people accountable. Are they going to get put in prison? Nope! Are they going to be PERSONALLY fined? Nope!

    I really dislike how in Chinese society people are not able to criticize the government. I hope one day, everyone everywhere will have free speech. It’s unfortunate to say this, but in China, this would be dealt with severely and and with impact. I am not saying their mechanism is right, but the US has no mechanism at all. We all know nothing will happen, especially because most of the deaths were foreigners. It’s disgusting and makes the US look bad.

  • this is unfair exploitation of mental illness.

    Mike Lindell is an American hero with a story of success, making a great pillow everyone loved and making himself wealthy in the process

    his religious delusions are a form of either mental illness or partial handicap and he shouldn’t be stripped of everything because of that

    his belief that the election was rigged AND he had the secret proof (that would hold up to court scrutiny) was clearly a religious delusion and if you think otherwise you don’t understand how cults and mental illnesses intertwine

    in a just world, this deal should be something he doesn’t have to honor because he offered this “prove me wrong” thing to the public when he was clearly out of it

    what about all the people he employed? the people he made happy with a decent pillow? we as a society have failed by allowing the religiously delusional to enter into any sort of unusual contracts at all. yes, the amish should be allowed to sell grain and the menonites should be allowed to sell delicious jams, but should we really allow right wing religious maniacs to enter into complex contracts?

    no, of course not

    this man should be given ALL his money back, and an apology from society for exploiting him. this man worked hard in life and doesn’t deserve this

  • i disagree, but love the way you write, i wish i thought differently just so i could agree with someone who writes like this

    i think we need women to be able to have access to weapons to prevent the hell of women being sold as chattel which happens in some countries. none of the women sold as chattel have good weapons.

    if i were a hero, i would go to these places, even if it were alone, and likely to face torture and death, to try to free them

    i don’t do this because i am not a hero.