Aaaahh so libuv actually runs a thread pool, TIL. I’m another victim of internet propaganda I guess 😅 . You know, I never actually checked libuv docs until now and they seem quite welt built.
The silliest thing I’ve just realized is that I knew that the first implementation of a web server in dotnet core was using libuv, and I still didn’t think twice about the single threaded meme.
I get nothing. So after a while I told my bosses I would simply stop doing it, since the work to compensate us was still “in progress”. It helped the rest of the team get a free day per on call week, which I guess is something, but still not enough for me personally.
I told them I wasn’t even sure it was legal in my country (Spain) which I guess they didn’t even discuss with legal, or legal didn’t even blink.