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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • They swear allegiance to the federal constitution, the governor, and the president. With the president being CIC and having power over the governor and the constitution having power overall. So in theory, the governor cannot give you orders that defy the president, and not even the president can give force you to comply with an unlawful order. It would take some serious stones to defy orders though

  • No. Northern states had already outlawed slavery, southern states were already pissed that Northern states weren’t enforcing the Fugitive Slave Act, the newly formed Republican party had already been leaning towards national abolition, and Lincoln described slavery as an abhorrent sin. His election is what triggered secession, according to the very articles of secession by several states. They saw the writing on the wall that slavery was coming to an end of they didn’t separate and form their own nation. The emancipation proclamation was just rushed as a way of allowing southern slaves to legally flee the south.ind you equal rights was a fringe opinion at the time, they weren’t even treating white women as equals after all. But most northerners were repulsed by slavery at this point in history.