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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • So… FWIW I post often about I have a painless NVIDIA experience, including playing Windows only games, including VR games.

    I thought “Damn… how did I get so lucky?” and yesterday while tinkering with partitions (as one does…) I decided I’d try a “speed run” to go from no system to a VR Windows only game running on Linux.

    I started from Debian 12 600Mb ISO and ~1h later I was playing.

    I’m not saying everybody should have a perfect experience playing games on Linux with an NVIDIA but … mine was again pretty straightforward.

    I’d argue it’s easier with Ubuntu and accepting non-free repository, probably having the same result, ~1hr from 0 to play, without even using the command line once.

  • FWIW I did try a lot (LLMs, code, generative AI for images, 3D models) in a lot of ways (CLI, Web based, chat bot) both locally and using APIs.

    I don’t use any on a daily basis. I find it exciting that we can theoretically do a lot “more” automatically but… so far the results have not been worth the efforts. Sadly some of the best use cases are exactly what you highlighted, i.e low effort engagement for spam. Overall I find that either working with a professional (script writer, 3D modeler, dev, designer, etc) is a lot more rewarding but also more efficient which itself makes it cheaper.

    For use cases where customization helps while quality does matter much due to scale, i.e spam, then LLMs and related tools are amazing.

    PS: I’d love to hear the opinion of a spammer actually, maybe they also think it’s not that efficient either.

  • I agree but I don’t watch TV so I don’t bother. Yet… I still hate product placement so I might be interested in such a solution. Anyway here is how I would do it :

    • evaluate what exists, e.g SponsorBlock, and see what’s the closest that fit my need, try it, ask in forum or repository issues if modifications are possible
    • gather videos of the typically problematic content, say few hours to start
    • annotate them by adding the time stamps then the location on the image
    • replace problematic content with gradually complex solutions, e.g black, average color of the area, denoising (quite compute intensive)
    • honestly evaluate the result
    • consider the biggest problem, e.g here on first pass fixed content so a detector based on machine learning for the type of content could help
    • iterate, sharing my result back with the closest interested community

    Honestly it’s a worthwhile endeavor but be mindful it’s an arm race. There are a LOT of smart people paid to add ads everywhere… but there are even more people, like you and I, eager to remove them. IMHO the key trick is, like SponsorBlock, to federate the efforts.

  • Can’t help but wonder what has been the impact of the support, e.g through subsidies, for automaker industry both nationally and internationally.

    We keep on hearing that it’s a huge industry, that it “creates” lots of jobs, that people buy cars from their own country as a form or pride, etc. I bet some of it is true but I also bet the negative impact is not communicated as clearly. Any research on the topic? I imagine it might highlight precisely how the EV transition (which in itself is also problematic due to car usage, battery recycling, etc) has been radically slow down, maybe also public transport usage, CO2 emission, etc. Anyway I’d love to read a paper on the topic.

  • I have 5 Pine64 devices and they absolutely are more tinkerers. That being said I do use 2 on a daily basis (PineTab2 and PineWatch, even though now moved to Watchy) so they can be reliable. The PineNote though is bulky compared to the reMarkable (I have 1 and 2). I also (sadly for now) didn’t bother with Linux (yet) on the PineNote and only used the stock Android that it came with. It works quite well though and one can still tinker with it.

    So… yes if it’s “just” to use I’d suggest reMarkable and if it’s to tinker and not travel much, PineNote.

  • there isn’t a single serious project written exclusively or mostly by an LLM? There isn’t a single library or remotely original application

    IMHO “original” here is the key. Finding yet another clone of a Web framework ported from one language to another in order to push online a basic CMS slightly faster, I can imagine this. In fact I even bet that LLM, because they manipulate words in languages and that code can be safely (even thought not cheaply) tested within containers, could be an interesting solution for that.

    … but that is NOT really creating value for anyone, unless that person is technically very savvy and thus able to leverage why a framework in a language over another creates new opportunities (say safety, performances, etc). So… for somebody who is not that savvy, “just” relying on the numerous existing already existing open-source providing exactly the value they expect, there is no incentive to re-invent.

    For anything that is genuinely original, i.e something that is not a port to another architecture, a translation to another language, a slight optimization, but rather something that need just a bit of reasoning and evaluating against the value created, I’m very skeptical, even less so while pouring less resources EVEN with a radical drop in costs.