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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • If you have a CDL there is a federal database that tracks drug and alcohol offenses that had become mandatory to enroll in for most jobs in the industry.

    Why don’t we have something like that for cops?

    Maybe it tracks reports of discipline and can be used by the public to file complaints with police departments.

    I know something like this is talked about a lot but we already built something similar for truckers. There are 1.36 million CDL holders and 708,000 cops. Seems like it’d be pretty easy to copy their homework.

  • This is it right here. I am a trans person and I actually like both the enderverse and harry potter and I’m not a fan of either author. But I can say I like the enderverse without any shame or self loathing because Card doesn’t appear to speak about his shitty views unless directly asked.

    Now with Joanne on the other hand… Well, fuck her and her IP and everything else she might ever do. She is a billionaire and like Musk just can’t be happy with that and shut the fuck up. I get it you foul bitch, you hate me and that I exist, now go buy a fucking yacht and let me struggle to pay rent, buy food, and simply live in peace. All I have ever done to that self righteous cunt is buy her books and yet she feels the need to denigrate me and my existence and espouse hate directed toward me every chance she gets. Just stfu Joanne, you’ve won the game you never have to worry about having your basic needs met ever again. You’ve won. Now go the fuck away.

    Basically I can put blinders on and still enjoy the enderverse and shadows, but I can’t do that with Joanne. Harry Potter will never hold the same place in my heart as it once did. I cannot read it anymore without feeling gross and disgusted with myself for enjoying anything this foul human has produced.

  • But I’d rather look at what modern people are doing and saying.

    We would too but unfortunately fascists pretend that they’re not fascist by claiming their political party freed the slaves.

    This obviously ignores their bigotry and hate for people of color and distaste for women… And well, I digress. Suffice to say that these assholes try to claim they’re not racist despite all the racist bullshit and hate they spread, and they use this claim as proof.

    We would love to ignore it but we can’t. Best we can do is inform ourselves.

  • Holy shit TV Guide! I forgot about those! They’d just show up in the mail every week, I have no idea who was sending them or why but inevitably they’d be in the mailbox!

    The first time I went to a friend’s house and they had a guide on the TV my mind was blown!

    Oh and Tivo too! I learned about Tivo from a friend and had never even heard of DVR before that! The idea that you could just record TV at will was mind-blowing! I was like, “yeah but where do you put the cassette?”

  • A lot of people are saying they did this job as a teenager, I did it mid 20’s and yes, I liked the job. I never had to deal with customers, I just pushed carts. But people leaving carts in the middle of nowhere were a babe on my existence.

    I don’t know how many carts there were in or store but on a normal day and especially a busy day they would be constantly used. Our corrals would all overflow simultaneously if not emptied. And then you have some dipshit who decides they can’t be asked to walk a little further. I had to have a route in order to collect carts and keep our corrals under control. If I had to walk an extra 10 minutes out of my way to get a cart it would set me back 20+ minutes of work, without fail. And if I didn’t collect it then carts would start piling up, without fail. Then you’d get the mixed cart bullshit and you can only push so many mixed carts.

    Putting your cart makes the job actually reasonable. You can plan and coordinate and organize yourself to know where to go when to pick up carts. It allows you to predict where carts will end up and efficiently walk so you’re not destroying your body. When people screw with that rhythm the whole thing goes to pot.

  • Yeah, you’re right. I’m glad that they’re paid more and I’m glad tipping is still possible but it just seems super uncool to remove the prompt.

    I had an argument with a coworker once about their second job. They said they blacklist people who don’t tip them for delivering pizza. I was surprised and asked them to explain and they said that most of their money came from tips. Without it they made state minimum wage and the job wasn’t worth it.

    I said they should be paid better.

    My coworker responded that they are paid better by people tipping and that’s why they blacklist people who don’t tip.

    I followed it up by pushing the idea that the restaurant should be paying them more so that the job is worth it without tips. And well… The whole thing devolved for some reason and almost ended with me getting punched.

    Either way I think you should be paid a living wage and have the ability to get tips for going above and beyond. Tipping shouldn’t be the norm/required but it should be available and it sounds like it is in this case just a bit more hidden.