Please update your post so that the entire shower thought is in the title. Rule 2.
Please update your post so that the entire shower thought is in the title. Rule 2.
Thanks for the feedback. I would argue that determining what post counts as a shower thought (rule 1) is a lot harder than determining what posts are about politics.
This pretty quickly became a well liked post with lots of interaction and is remaining mostly civil.
It’s hard to argue that this post doesn’t break the new rule for “avoid politics”.
Should this post stay?
How do people here feel about the “avoid politics” rule? Should it be rewritten in some way to allow this post?
I’m not sure that it’s possible to move posts but that would be funny. Maybe c/powerthoughts
We can’t keep everyone happy. I’ll agree that this post gave me pause. I think it’s better to error on the side of leaving things up.
Please report the post if you think it violates rules, and please specify which rules and why.
British Museum-ed
This was reported for breaking rule 1,4,5.
1 The votes seem to agree that it’s not a shower thought. I’m slow to remove a post for this rule, I would rather let the votes do the work.
4 I’m not sure saying this about Putin is saying anything about any people group. You can be hugely supportive of people groups while thinking their leaders are responsible for, or capable of, horrible things. At various times nearly every country could be used as an example of this.
5 I’m not sure what community rule it’s breaking. It’s not a very positive post but people should be free to be negative online if they that’s how they feel. Lord knows that many comment threads are negative. I may feel differently if the the majority of posts suddenly became negative.
As always I’m open to feedback.
The concept of a shower thought is annoyingly abstract, so I error on the side of leaving posts up, but maybe this is a good chance to get the perspectives of others:
This post was reported for breaking community rules. Its not obvious to me what rules would be broken. dm me if you feel strongly about it and would like to clarify.
You pushed it to OsmAnd? Thank you!
This post was reported for being a news article not a shower thought. Also it seems like several of the comments are concerned that it is political.
There isn’t a rule against posting a link. The article does seem relevant and OP’s thought isn’t taken from the article, it seems unique, like something you might think of in the shower after reading the article.
There isn’t a rule against political posts. Many posts have some component of politics to them.
Thank you all for being civil with each other. Thank you all for commenting and reporting when think something is pushing the limits on what should be considered a “shower thought”, it’s an abstract concept, so social pressure is helpful in shaping the community. I try to error on the side of being permissive.
As always, I am open to feedback.
Edit: spelling, ironically
Sounds like an unpleasant shower… I’m sorry
Oh I didn’t know you could setup quick options.
You can share profiles?! Sweet thanks.
Yeah it doesn’t have the friendliest user interface, but it does have an enormous amount of functionality when you eventually find the menu you are looking for.
Thanks I had no idea what it was.
This comment was reported. I’m not seeing any issue but the reporter can dm me and point it out if I’m missing something.
This has been reported a few times for inciting violence. While it is walking a line, I don’t see OP asking for anyone to be harmed. It was presented in the context of a popular thought experiment. Other posts with the trolley problem often include wealthy people in the scenarios, so I think there is good precedence for keeping this post up.
I agree that this post is uncomfortable and possibly insensitive due to timing as someone has actually died and this post is questioning the value of that death. Many fields of economics assign a monetary value to human life, which similarly makes people feel uncomfortable, but those are valuable conversations to have.
I thought this through a bit and try to error on the side of keeping posts up, but I make mistakes and I am open to feedback. If you want to give anonymous feedback you leave a report (I can’t see who writes reports but presumably admins can).