I offhandedly whistled that tune in a crowded area the other day and someone nearby turned around and said “ are you whistling the dishwasher song?” 😂
The “innovation” in the article is passive tech for fiber to the room (FTTR), specifically made to be low cost and easier to implement. It’s also how your computer might get that 50Gbit - it’ll have to be wired in with a fiber connection. It’s not happening over WiFi (or even Ethernet)
Neat. AI slop about AI slop.
Kinda funny how when mega corps can benefit from the millions upon millions of developer hours that they’re not paying for they’re all for open source. But when the mega corps have to ante up (with massive hardware purchases out of reach of any of said developers) they’re suddenly less excited about sharing their work.
No need to limit it to only people on social media…
Could even be his twin - that joke is from 2007, if little Bobby was in kindergarten then he’d be around 22 by now and could be trying to land his first job out of college!
Yeah, the company that made the article is plugging their own AI-detection service, which I’m sure needs a couple of paragraphs to be at all accurate. For something in the range of just a sentence or two it’s usually not going to be possible to detect an LLM.
I think he’s pragmatic in the “whatever tool gets the job done” sense, but not in the “this is the job we should be doing” sense — if that makes any sense :)
I have a hard time understanding facebook’s end game plan here - if they just have a bunch of AI readers reading AI posts, how do they monetize that? Why on earth is the stock market so bullish on them?
Correct but there are really only 2 parts (3 if you’re adding a front-facing proxy which it sounds like you know how to do). If you’re using something like truenas or proxmox there are prebuilt containers for both iCloudpd and immich/photoprosm/whatever and even if not both have generic Docker containers or can be run out of their own repo checkout. So you just need:
Good luck!
Right, this is for the “hard” part of getting your content out of iCloud in an automated fashion. You’d then put the content in storage locally and use photoprism or immich or a similar self hosted gallery to be able to access them
icloudpd can be run in a container or just your host machine. It’s a little finnicky to get logins set up (and honestly I haven’t done it in a few months), but once that is working you can automate a job to pull down a backup every day/week/month and delete files from icloud.
I don’t know if it’s actually true, but at one point Elon mentioned they were specifically training Grok to be anti-woke, so presumably that means their training corpus has some… weird… stuff in it that’s more heavily weighted than it ought to be. In short, it’s not unlikely that Elon and Grok “think” alike.
Even modest hardware can run a decent LLM. Maybe someone will open source a project to let people make their own avatars explicitly to poison the social media sites.
“Charismatic megafauna” are literally the poster-children for environmental movements because they look cool or cute and can hang in the public zeitgeist for a while. Downside is, yeah, we forget they’re wild animals.
This was my whole month of December.
This sounds like those tweets from Andrew Tate about when he was fighting dream ghosts from jail.
Yes! Slip the sound board guy your discman and $20 and get a perfect recording. I remember a few times where there were a stack of discmans and walkmans (Walkman?) recording.