Protecting Law Enforcement Personnel. One of the Department of Justice’s top priorities is protecting law enforcement at the federal, state, and local levels who protect us all. This includes aggressively investigating the all-too-common instances of violence against and obstruction of law enforcement, seeking the death penalty for those who perpetrate capital crimes against law enforcement, and backing and promoting the efforts of law enforcement when they are subjected to unfair criticism or attack.
It should be dismissed because it is a false equivalence tactic used to fool people like you into blaming both parties for the actions of one party.
Lol, I’ve repeatedly said it’s not equivalent, and not a legitimate argument when utilized in generality. I’ve just noticed people like yourself are increasingly utilizing it to rebuff all criticism for the Democratic party.
Wanting to discuss nuance in an argument isn’t a blatant acceptance of an argument. You’re just trying to force a false dichotomy.
I am literally saying that ‘both sides’ is ALWAYS a false equivalence.
Both sides can have overlap in things they do, but that doesn’t make blaming ‘both sides’ valid.
Being ineffective at stopping something isn’t the same thing as enabling.
Then you are either misinformed or blatantly lying?
There are plenty of examples of both parties overwhelmingly agreeing on certain topics. An obvious one is the vote to go to war in Afghanistan, or the Patriot act…
You’re claiming that conservatives and Democrats haven’t ever agreed upon anything that might be reasonably criticized…
Again, you’re just thinking in absolutes.
I’m going to go talk to a brick wall as that is more likely to be productive.
Lol, if two people agree to do something stupid to an equal degree I can’t blame both people? Are you trying to be obtuse, or are you really this stupid?
I had a good chat with the wall, and the wall didn’t put words into my mouth that directly contradicted the last thing that I said.
What you said was self contradictory… Wouldn’t surprise me if you actually attempted to literally talk to a wall, you both have rocks for brains.
Your claim was based in cognitive dissonance… If the thing that they overlap on is deserving of blame then blaming both sides is valid.
How exactly are both sides not responsible for blame for voting to go to war in Afghanistan? How are they both not to blame for passing the Patriot act? They both agreed in complete consensus on both of those acts of Congress…well almost, two Republicans voted against the war in Afghanistan.
Go kick rocks.
You can find some sort of overlap between any two things. Two things having a few things in common doesn’t justify saying both things are the same.
You’ve got your fingernails dug into a hair-thin crack here.
You might do well to stand back a bit and ask yourself why you’re so desperate to absolve the Democrats of blame.
What the fuck are you even talking about?
Good luck. You’re going to need it.
Don’t bother, this dude is completely unable to understand anything that resembles a nuanced opinion.
Apparently the Democratic party is completely blameless for anything that’s ever happened, even when they vote in complete consensus with Republicans.
Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.
As always, I just wonder if it’s a pose or a delusion.
In much the same way that the Zionists have characterized any criticism of Israel as antisemitism, Democrats have characterized any criticism of themselves as “both sides.” And it’s for the same reason in both cases – so they can reject criticism out of hand rather than facing up to it.
For the professionals, it’s simple, if loathsome - they get to feed at the money trough as long as they can continue to essentially pose as leftists but not really accomplish anything (since anything truly leftist would be at odds with the desires of the people and corporations who are keeping the money trough full).
For the rest though - the rank and file that just repeat the cant they’re fed - what do they gain?
I’ve never been quite clear on that, but I assume it’s that their self-images are wrapped up in the labels they wear, and one of those labels is “Democrat,” and it only works as a boon to their self-images if it can’t be criticized.
I can’t see how that can be worth it though.
I don’t think they realize what they’re doing. A lot of people haven’t ever engaged with rhetoric with any kind of objectivity, so anyone challenging their positions in any given subject is automatically rejecting their entire belief system.
Plus, I think it’s good to remember that a lot of people on Lemmy are young, impressionable, and not really engaged with society outside of shitposting online.