After the fall of Roe v. Wade, some travel hundreds of miles to get abortions. This is the story of a girl who couldn’t

    1 year ago

    Because they might win the lottery!

    Or because they’re sure that the oligarchs that picked this country clean having started in the 80s will whip their dicks out and start raining down golden showers of prosperity like they promised they would as long as we gave them all the money half a century ago.

    The peasants have been too deluded into the false hope that they’ll one be the fuckers in this rigged system one day… so why tear down the system that’s beaten them down, when it’s their turn any day now to kick all the fuckees when they’re down like they were?!

    TLDR snake oil salesmen never went away, they just took over. That’s why we don’t rise up. The vast majority would have to see through their obvious bullshit, and that’s too much for some, as they’d have to admit to themselves that they fell for it first. The sunk cost fallacy.

      1 year ago

      That and I am convinced that they keep most people just comfortable and distracted enough so that they think they have just a little more than they are willing to lose. You know bread and circuses, its been working for the last few 1000 years. I also have to wonder if the controlled media doesn’t keep people afraid and angry at their neighbor so that we don’t all band together and do something about it.

        1 year ago


        Then there are the overt threats for those of us that do see the wood for the trees.

        Our homelessness problem is quite solvable, and not even that expensive to solve. It never will be because those human beings are intentionally used as props, with police visibly harassing them, all to threaten/scare the shit out of people like us.

        “You see us? Ok peasant, feel free to fight back or refuse to participate. If you won’t be a good little capital battery, we’ll make you a rigged capitalism scarecrow on a sidewalk in a cardboard box to keep the others in line through fear. Either way, we’ll exploit some value out of you.”

        -The Owners

          1 year ago

          Ha, not just that shit. They have made it illegal to even help the homeless half the time. I got yelled at by a cop because I was giving a bunch of people in a homeless camp some food that I had dumpster dived (dove?). They want to make it so we can’t even help people when we have the ability to.

          That’s another part of the problem too if you think about it. There are so many problems it feels impossible to address them all. Homelessness, Health care, the criminal “justice” system, income inequality, racism and all that other shit. We, myself included, try to address the individual problem and forget that its all the same problem.