In several instances dating back to the start of his Senate campaign in 2022, the vice president has explicitly said that a second-term Trump should defy the courts — even the U.S. Supreme Court — if they stand in the way of him exercising executive authority in ways he deems fit.
Yet we’re only hearing about this interview once he’s in power?
The Supreme Court are going to rule themselves out of a job.
The echelon of people they think they belong to will eat them alive at the blink of an eye. You don’t put alcoholics, insurrectionist and rapists in office without the intended threat of using that information to destroy them the second they are no longer needed.
That got settled when Andrew Jackson wasn’t dragged out of the White House and reinforced when he’s not universally seen for the criminal autocrat he was.
Why would he need to if they’re already effectively in his pocket?
He wants them to have existential fear that keeps them in his pocket
I guess packing the courts with bootlickers wasn’t enough for them
I’m trying to think of a reason he can’t and am coming up empty. Nobody will do anything about it.
Lol. “against” the supreme court? The grand majority gargle Trump’s balls regularly.