Today, on my five minute lunch break (I’m allotted 30 minutes, but I give 25 to the company to be a team player), one of the leftoids I work with said he ‘might take a day off’ next week. Not to me.(Everyone I work with is a lefty and afraid to talk to me for fear that some hard work might rub off on them). Like, how are you supposed to get noticed if you AREN’T EVEN AT WORK!? He’s probably going to go ‘protest’ genocide or people not having affordable housing. I am very smart and cool.
WTF‽ Your lunch breaks are just polite things you’re not supposed to actually take any of. You better go grovel to your middle manager at once for this overnight!
I know just where to find him! I give him access to my wife on Thursdays. I’ll be getting that promotion ANY day now.