is there a federated platform similar to 4chan ie. topic boards with ephemeral linear message threads? i dunno how else to describe it but I like the 4chan format, it’s just got the worst people in the world on there (which I figure could be mitigated by the federated server type thing)
If they are anonymous, they would get defederated extremely quickly.
Probably if you called it “fedi imageboard” it wouldn’t get such a negative reaction.
true but probably wouldnt have gotten much reaction at all
IIRC, someone was talking about their p2p text only 4chan clone recently. I forget what it was called though.
Edit: found it.
talking about seedit? also p2p has too many issues for a social platform
I think I was thinking of plebchan. From what I can tell, it’s based off plebbit, which looks to be the same stack that seedit uses.
I’ll check it out but based on the name im guessing it’ll be dogshit
Its like bittorrent for social media.
yeah i just mean the name “plebchan” doesnt inspire a lot of confidence
I mean, I’m familiar with plebbit and while I think its neat, its very clunky.
ie. topic boards with ephemeral linear message threads
This describes a general forum format, but you might mean chan imageboards specifically. There have been federated imageboards for a while, but they’re very niche and experimental and I don’t see the value. The two examples I’ve heard of are NNTPchan (2015-present, NNTP protocol) and Fchannel (ActivityPub protocol).
There’s the related imageboard webring, but there’s no actual federated interaction between the boards, it’s effectively just cross-advertising to allow easier discovery.
deleted by creator
Well… Lemmy?
yeah like lemmy but different
I mean if everything is ephemeral and the users are anonymous and don’t log in, the federation wouldn’t actually do anything.
Can’t someone just make a lemmy frontend that does this?
Too modern
yeah could probably get something close. main differences would be chronological comments, ephemeral threads, and anonymous posting
What’s ephemeral about 4chan? (I’ve never used it)
4chan’s style as a concept doesn’t work too well with the concepts of the rest of the fediverse. There’s no benefit to federating anonymous image and text posts across multiple servers and merging those feeds together. Especially if the content is meant to be ephemeral, why are you wasting bandwidth replicating it? Hell, with the average lemmy server’s replication delay the original content would be gone before it could replicate anywhere.
There’d also be no reason for each “instance” to not be its own separate entity with no federation. It’s not like 4chan really does crossposting between boards, you just can link between them.
Also, having spent far more time on the chans than is in any way healthy, there still isn’t any real solution for good or consistent moderation. Federation doesn’t inherently make moderation better or easier, if anything it complicates things in that regard.
Edit, additional info: Certain threads on /vg/ have been dealing with their own thread specific trolls for literal years with no mod action. Some of the threads have figured out rough schedules of mods based off what type of shit gets removed and when.
Federation is not a magical pill for better quality. I direct you to explodingheads, or plenty of other examples of shit instances documented by fediseer.
How would you federate something ephemeral? I’ll admit I don’t understand the specific techinals of federation but what stops another platform from hosting your content locally after it has supposed to have been deleted? It seems like the two goals of the platforms are diametrically opposed
having a unified frontend for boards on different servers and you could still have accounts
There is lots of 4chan archivers.
! has a few ephemeral posters recently
Make one if you want that. I doubt many adults are going to make a 4chan clone and deal with all that comes with it.
No offense. I’m just saying 4chan is toxic and bad and and there’s not a lot of experienced developers hoping to recreate it when we can just take a shit on the sidewalk and accomplish more in less time.
youre really smart
Thank you. I have a masters in headassery from the Advanced School of Clowning at Bologna. And I interned at the Milan Dick Sucking Factory, which is where I met your parents.
that’s awesome
It’s not a conventional career path but what is in these times of change?
werewolf stud
What product do they actually produce there?
Natural resources. Oil & LNG (which America exports but much of Europe, China, and India import). They have Uranium fit for nuclear plants (so does Mali, which is why it’s a point of contention between France and Russia). Kind of crappy but still explosive weapons sales. The U.S., France, and China will sell you previous generation weapons that are better than Russia’s best stuff.
I mean, to vastly oversimplify, it’s a gas station with nuclear weapons and rocket scientists from the Soviet era. It’s not a diversified economy for a country so large. They export grain and shit like that but it’s a whole continent wide and they aren’t efficient about it.
To me, Russia fell into the “natural resources trap” where a country can sell oil, gold, diamonds, whatever and the citizens are fine with low taxes and jobs but it ultimately can doom you to misrule. A country that doesn’t have oil or whatever has to do things the hard way. Like educate everyone and be a knowledge economy. That’s harder than finding oil.
Sochi seems lovely and I’d like to visit St Petersburg once relations normalize but no one associates Russia with tourism like they do Italy or France or Thailand or Bali or wherever your nearest tourism hotspot is.
So, long term, I’d like to see Russia embrace its strengths outside of energy and arms. We’d all be happier. But I’m not in charge so we’ll see what Trump and Putin do instead.
Activitypub is user based, it’s not built to support anonymous accounts.
easily circumvented with temp accounts per thread (ie. [random string]@ instance.domain)
Sure, but what would be the purpose of using activitypub then if it isn’t publishing someone’s activity.