Hunterbrook Media’s investment affiliate, Hunterbrook Capital, did not take any positions related to this article. Eggs have become a status symbol — sold as loosies in New York City bodegas; dubbed the new caviar; climbing to a record average of $8.05 per dozen in February. And that’s just for normal eggs, not even the organic, […]
If only publicly traded companies were required to disclose information that would prove this. Oh yeah, they are, and it does. But thier shareholder very much approve of it, so essentially the companies are doing what the shareholders want, which is their job.
Maybe it’s the system. And maybe it is time for a change.
If only publicly traded companies were required to disclose information that would prove this. Oh yeah, they are, and it does. But thier shareholder very much approve of it, so essentially the companies are doing what the shareholders want, which is their job. Maybe it’s the system. And maybe it is time for a change.