Probably performance - the Java server takes up a lot of memory and CPU for what it does. The base implementation first started in 2011, so it wasn’t exactly designed to be multithreaded or parallelized because most games were still largely single-threaded at the time. Rewriting it from scratch in a different language probably helps with that
Tbh writing a Minecraft server isn’t anywhere on my list of projects to write to learn a new language but you also aren’t wrong, just wouldn’t be what I’d choose
It’s not like the Java server is slow tho, it only becomes a problem when mods are added and rust servers can’t run Java mods so it’s a moot point. Maybe if you want an insanely large number of players on a single server?
It is slow, and a massive memory hog. Its not exactly javas fault (i mean it is to a point). Its just minecraft’s code is trash. Mods are the only thing that keeps people on using java.
Why write a server in rust? Java is already memory safe 🤔
Probably performance - the Java server takes up a lot of memory and CPU for what it does. The base implementation first started in 2011, so it wasn’t exactly designed to be multithreaded or parallelized because most games were still largely single-threaded at the time. Rewriting it from scratch in a different language probably helps with that
Counterpoint: Why the fuck not?
I guess it can be a fun hobby project to learn Rust
Tbh writing a Minecraft server isn’t anywhere on my list of projects to write to learn a new language but you also aren’t wrong, just wouldn’t be what I’d choose
But is it fast?
It’s not like the Java server is slow tho, it only becomes a problem when mods are added and rust servers can’t run Java mods so it’s a moot point. Maybe if you want an insanely large number of players on a single server?
It is slow, and a massive memory hog. Its not exactly javas fault (i mean it is to a point). Its just minecraft’s code is trash. Mods are the only thing that keeps people on using java.
Well yeah, we all know Minecraft’s code is terrible. I just never felt like it was noticeable without mods
Maybe not in single player, but if you try putting more than a few dozen players on one vanilla server, the performance is going down the drain
I wasn’t referring to single player