Ummm, anyone going to the US these days would have to be crazy. It’s seriously volatile and even more unsafe than usual.
Even cis Germans probably should not go, given recent events.
Something Something passing privilege.
But seriously don’t come here, TSA is filled with bootlickers and bystanders. And harassing and detaining foreigners is going to give them good boy points.
They are already detaining Germans without them being transgender whatsoever:
Damn. That’s sad that it’s come to this. We tried to tell everyone that Trump was gonna pull dumb shit, but everyone wanted to latch on the economy as a excuse.
But yeah, as a US citizen, I wouldn’t wanna be here either.
Just not being white and travelling to the US is now more of a risk too. Risk of getting harassed and detained by ICE. Or being harassed by people pretending to be ICE. Tourism is going to take a hit.
Just don’t travel to the US at all
US citizen here, I agree with this. We should be punished economically for this.
I don’t think it will influence the jackasses who felt that what’s going on right now was a good idea. But maybe some of the people who decided not to vote will no longer abstain when a living underwear streak wants to be king.
If they believe it is dangerous to travel there as a person like this what about this same population of people who are stuck living there?! When are they going to allow LBGTQ+ people refugee status from the us?
Start accepting American LGBT refugees then.
Boy never in my life I would have thought about political refugees coming from the US to Germany.
Yesterday someone said to me that we’re living in a South Park episode that became reality… I think he’s right…
Even South Park isn’t this wacky. They had to scrap and remake an episode after the 2016 election because it was completely baffling to them that Trump won.
You do not want to be a refugee here trust me
Hi I’m trans and living in the US right now, in Seattle one of the best places to be trans in the US. Don’t come here if you’re trans. Don’t travel to anywhere in the US, not Seattle, not anywhere. If for no other reason than to stop giving tourism money to us but if you’re trans then yeah it’s getting spicy.
All my trans friends who have had to travel are reporting increased pat downs, getting questioned by TSA, and bags being opened regardless of their documents. If you get clocked you may be delayed or searched.
For any trans people looking to get out of the country be careful. So far my best idea is to get to a state with enhanced IDs, use that to hop the border to Canada by land without having to physically hand your passport to a US agent, then fly out from there.
Stay safe everyone
For any trans people looking to get out of the country be careful. So far my best idea is to get to a state with enhanced IDs, use that to hop the border to Canada by land without having to physically hand your passport to a US agent, then fly out from there.
Or stay in Canada if you can swing it, and if we don’t elect our own Trump-wannabe in our upcoming election
Boy, I would read that as a warning for other people as well. Who the hell wants to travel to a place where people are at risk just for being people? Tourism dies with autocracies. Let America become the dull homogeneous wasteland it wants without throwing them any tourism dollars.
Most of us are cool with ya’ll, but yeah, too many who aren’t, so please stay the fuck out until its safe.
Also to add, there is an unfortunate number of Liberals who are quickly walking back any support for trans folk.
We call those shitty people where I come from.
Not only do these people fail as allies and as compassionate human beings, but they’re also very stupid if they don’t see that defending trans rights is the front line of the fight against fascism right now, and we all need to be there fighting it. They’re not going to stop at taking rights away from trans people. It’ll be you next.
I feel like (official) racial equality needs to be in there, I just don’t know where.
defending trans rights is the front line of the fight against fascism right now
Yeah, it’s this kind of delusion why people aren’t loyal to you.
Loyalty is a very Nazi value.
Nobody wants your fucking loyalty. They want you to wake the fuck up and get it through your skull that we’re all in this shithole together, and you need to start lending a hand instead of stomping on other’s backs to get yours. Because one day, you might need the rest of us to come save you too.
That’s not true. You people expect me to agree with you on everything or else I’m a nazi.
If I dared to suggest we prioritize reducing the disparity in wealth over fighting a culture war, you people immediately assume I’m an enemy.
You don’t just want loyalty, you crave it. You’re dependent on it. You get mad whenever you don’t get it and throw tantrums until you do or get rid of the person.
Defending your fellow man isn’t culture war. You bought the propaganda.
Trans rights is simply human rights for trans people. It’s not a culture war issue; it’s a human rights issue.
If I dared to suggest we prioritize reducing the disparity in wealth over fighting a culture war
Are you incapable of breathing and chewing bubble gum at the same time? Why not both?
Because they like to use “we have bigger problems to worry about” as a way of shutting down people calling attention to problems.
That’s not true. You people expect me to agree with you on everything or else I’m a nazi.
So what nuace is missing here? Or any topic.
Unfortunately it‘s not a struggle between left or right anymore but up and down instead. Especially in the US.
So it’s still left vs right
The problem is that in the US you don’t have a left party. Just a right one and a fascist one
It’s always been a game for the poors, this ol’ crab-bucket squid game bullshit. Seems like the only way out is to scare the tippy-top to their core. (No spoilers!)
In what way are liberals walking back support for Trans? I’ve seen the comment from Gavin Newsom about athletics, but does that mean he has walked back all support? Or just in that one area?
They weren’t liberals then. They were just going along with what they thought was more popular at the time.
wait, are you telling me the liberals weren’t steadfast absolute allies? that they didn’t really believe in helping us, or anything else, ever?
Furthermore, dear German folx & allies, can we come stay awhile, please?
Ze Nazis are here now, oder. 🥹
They’re crawling back out of their holes here again too
But generally I’d say most people don’t care
I genuinely used to wonder as a kid how the Nazis ever got to power. How people could just stand by and let people like that take power? How could they just allow all the horrid shit?
I don’t wonder anymore.
There are so many layers to this stuff that it would blow this comment way out of proportion. I’d love to tell you about this but it would be so much to write.
I got curious about it several decades ago have had some time to ponder and read.
Amathia. It is often translated as “ignorance,” as in the following two famous quotes from Socrates:
“Wisdom alone, is the good for man, ignorance the only evil” (Euthydemus 281d)
“There is, he said, only one good, that is, knowledge, and only one evil, that is, ignorance” (in Diogenes Laertius, II.31)
That’s the opening lines of the article. It’s only 2-3 pages, a couples of minutes read. I really do strongly suggest it.
But I’ll paste a a core bit
Here is the last interview given by Arendt, from which I will quote a few selected bits that are very pertinent to our discussion (boldface is mine, the interview is also found in the book Hannah Arendt: The Last Interview And Other Conversations):
“During the war, Ernst Jünger came across some peasants and a farmer had taken in Russian prisoners of war straight from the camps, and naturally they were completely starving — you know how Russian prisoners of war were treated here. And he says to Jünger, ‘Well, they’re subhuman, just like cattle — look how they devour food like cattle.’ Jünger comments on this story, ‘It’s sometimes as if the German people were being possessed by the Devil.’ And he didn’t mean anything ‘demonic’ by that. You see, there’s something outrageously stupid [dumm = ignorant, unwise] about this story. I mean the story is stupid, so to speak. The man doesn’t see that this is just what starving people do, right? And anyone would behave like that. But there’s something really outrageous [empörend = shocking, revolting] about this stupidity. … Eichmann was perfectly intelligent, but in this respect he had this sort of stupidity [Dummheit = irrationality, senselessness]. It was this stupidity that was so outrageous [empörend = shocking, revolting]. And that was what I actually meant by banality. There’s nothing deep about it [the ignorance] — nothing demonic! There’s simply the reluctance ever to imagine what the other person is experiencing, correct?”
“Glory to Aristotska! Papers, please.”
Someone Jumps Over The Wall
opens drawer
Arstotzka, Arstotzka greatest country in the world. If you want to get in you will need to bring your papers and your passport.
If you forge, if you lie, if you cheat you will be detained. You can not, I repeat, you can not fool us here on post. Next.
Arstotzka, Arstotzka better than Kolechia. They are stupid and foolish and silly little rats. Filthy rats. We have tanks, we have bombs, we have guns we have glory too. There is no cowardly enemy that can bother us. Boom.
Arstotzka, Arstotzka medicine is best in world. If you’re sick, if you sneeze, or you need another heart. Or a lung. We have doctors who will make you feel almost no pain. If you scream, then they know that you are very much alive. Ouch.
Arstotzka, Arstotzka have best football team in world. They kick balls, they kick arse, they kick everything you see. They are great. They can run, they can jump, they can score so many goals, other teams should despair, there is no true hope to win. Goal!
Arstotzka, Arstotzka have best apartments in the world. They are big, they are grey, they are square and glorious. So great. You can eat, you can sleep, you can even just relax and watch all the other countries be really jealous. Ha-ha.
Arstotzka, Arstotzka economy is best in world. Every man, every month can afford to eat one loaf. Mmm, bread. Our industry is heaviest in world we melt steel, we burn coal, we make air look really cool.
Glory to Arstotzka.
Haha, thanks for this!
Based Germany