Stop using Google products. Uninstall Chrome, delete Gmail, etc.
Sounds like a Nest Frame is preparing for release to me
This API changes takes away the reason I pay for Google One storage so I can cancel it. If I understand the article correctly I can move to iPhone to keep a similar feature, I just need to heart s photo to add it. Might as well abandon Google altogether.
Because of course it won’t
The enshittification must flow.
Sidenote, are these frames any good? Aura seems to advertise on a few podcasts I listen to but I’m curious how people in the real world feel about them
I can tell you it’s a very good digital picture frame for my needs that gets less convenient with this change by Google. I have one and gave one to my parents. This feature allows everyone with access to a shared Google photo album to contribute without an extra account or software and my parents get pictures of their grandchildren and what not. Also since the frame does nothing else but display pictures and play short videos it only needs to be plugged in and it does it’s thing. It is quite wonderful to be honest. It is a shame that Google is taking this joy away.
Here’s a slightly convoluted but effective way of syncing a dumb/simple digital frame with Google photos, by means of a raspberry pi zero
I’m still salty about them discontinuing synchronization between Google photos and Google drive years ago. Such an unnecessary and irritating move. Before that it was getting rid of the picassa desktop app which was actually quite a good photo library manager. The enshitification marches on.
I was still using Picassa desktop up until about a year ago. I only stopped because the software doesn’t support HEIC.
Damn. I miss Picasa. It was a powerful tool too.
Sounds like another reason to keep dumping google crap
You shouldn’t be trusting google to store your photos anyways.
Or any third party, really…
Well, you are going to have to trust someone to store your offsite backup unless you can afford a second house somewhere. It should be a backup service where you can encrypt the data before uploading it though.
You can trust your own relatives or friends though - as long as you encrypt the drive you give them. Doesn’t have to be a service.
Immich FTW
To be clear, users can still manually share Google Photos pics with connected frames.
It’s shitty that they removed apps ability to see all photos when authorized, though.
Fucking Google.