Another big artillery day!

      1 year ago

      It indeed is. According to minusrus site Russia had ~5700 artillery units when war started and I highly doubt that they can manufacture new ones faster than they’re losing units, not to even mention ammunition shortage and logistics issues.

      They’re not completely depleted yet, and most likely never will be as new units are pushed out every day, but advances at Crimea (among others) suggests that their capabilities are dropping, so once mine fields and fortifications on the lines fall there might not be that much in the way before Ukraine reaches 1991 borders.

      It’s still going to take time and monumental amounts of effort, equipment and (unfortunately) Ukrainian lifes before Russia is forced out of their country, but I strongly believe that it will happen. The west, and Europe spesifically, just need to keep up with demands from the field. Letting Ukraine fall would be catastrophic for stability in whole Europe and even globally.

    1 year ago

    That is as long as Ukraine gets supplied with weapons, ammo to finish the job. Right now the political environment in the West is tipping to russia’s favor.

        1 year ago

        So all the heated debate in the US how they should stop supplying Ukraine (and latest halt on their help to have their govt not be shut down)
        and focus on their internal issues instead is not changing political environment? How about Slovenia (one of the biggest supporters of Ukraine) electing a pro-russian party to their parliament just now? I wouldn’t be surprised if a significant portion of the campaigns there is funded from the Kremlin. When comrade Musk starts quoting politicians who have been proven to work for russia before and general public seems to be jumping into Musk’s fanbase, that’s a cause for concern for the future of US’s and other Western countries political and economical commitment to help Ukraine, don’t you think? I really hope it’s all just populism that affects small portion of the society, but my American friends seem to be leaning towards believing and supporting Musk and GOP and I am worried that russian propaganda and tools of disinformation are bearing fruits in affecting people’s opinions in the West.