recent: tears of the kingdom, or as i like to call it botw 1.2, its the same thing all over again just with one or two added gimicks, the open world is dead, npcs are boring and nintendo just got away with it like that

not so recent: i cant stand persona 5, joker and his entourage are annoying teenagers, the time management is a horrible gameplay addition and the artstyle is just a visual overstimulation

with that being said,~~ plz dont kill me~~

    2 years ago

    Nah, you’re right. Typically when I play Minecraft, I’ll go hell for leather for maybe an hour. I’ll get through the first few nights, manage to scrape together a perfectly cromulent shelter, start mining like a bastard to find iron and coal, and then get bored and go and do something else because I’ve just used up yet another iron axe and I’ve not got enough material to replace it.