More scientific evidence has surfaced to show that while mittens may be your sweet angel, letting her roam outside is also a big threat to biodiversity.
More scientific evidence has surfaced to show that while mittens may be your sweet angel, letting her roam outside is also a big threat to biodiversity.
If you would just be a responsible owner you wouldn’t hear it.
According to my vets, I am a fantastic owner, doing the best for my pet. So, again, you and everyone else who doesn’t like it can get over it.
I don’t give a shit about your cat, you could have the healthiest, happiest, best-cared-for, or the sickliest, most miserable, abused and neglected cat in history, that’s between you and your cat and effects no one else.
I care about the environment, which is and should be everyone’s shared concern and responsibility to care for. Allowing your cat to run free outside is no different than throwing your fast food trash outside. It affects everyone, and while one or even a few people doing it might not make a significant difference by themselves, it’s a death by a thousand cuts, and you’re one of the people holding a knife
Not every cat is the same. I currently own two murder machines. Any pest in the house is a dead pest. If one doesn’t get it, the other one will.
Our third cat can’t catch his own breath. He wheezes just rolling over.
While all three are indoor only, I have allowed others to go outside and they proved to be completely ineffectual hunters.
One really wanted to catch crows. I mean really, it was like she could taste it. She would also start stalking them from 50 feet away and the crows would just look at her like “Are you serious right now?” She never did get remotely close to catching anything. Probably for the best, the crows would have kicked her ass.
Her littermate was convinced dead leaves on the ground were helpless animals. I think fluttering in the wind and the tail like stems. He’d do the chatter talk at them and then bring them in the house and deposit them in the living room. “I killed it!” Yes, good boy.
Cool, didn’t read it, bye.
If you didn’t care about what we’re saying as much as you’re pretending not to, you wouldn’t bother replying at all. I think you know you’re in the wrong but you’re too stubborn to admit it or change anything about yourself.
That’s a common fallacy.
Let’s see what the vet says when fluffy gets pancaked by a car or torn to shreds by a coyote. You’d be responsible for that.
oooh, fear-mongering, no one has tried that before.
There are no coyotes on Maui, moron, or any other animals that would attack him except dogs, and all those he would encounter are cat friendly, and I am far from the road so that’s no issue.
Try again, asshole.
edit: seriously, dawg, this island has cat colonies everywhere because they have no predators here. There are volunteers just to feed all the feral cats.
Enjoy your down votes, dipshit
They’re disabled on my instance, downvote away.
And my cat is still going outside. Cry more.
And there are 5 other outdoor cats on this property that don’t belong to me. Cry harder.
I’ll just leave this here
Sure, and until all the cat colonies are gone, bitching about my one cat means nothing. Meanwhile, the main threat to native birds remains to be the mosquitos. Threatened birds haven’t been caught and sent to be raised in captivity because of cats, it’s because of the virus laden mosquitos. Plenty of articles about that if you bother to look. My cat is still going outside. Get the fuck over it.
edit: also, I already commented on this reality regarding my own cat here
I just love how people who don’t live here think they’re going to educate us on something.
You’re going to pull the “other people do it so I can too” fallacy? Cat colonies existing doesn’t justify making the problem worse. That’s an error in thinking, and ties in with how emotionally involved you are in this. I know you said elsewhere you don’t care, but someone who leaves 20+ comments in a thread clearly does. I know you get that little kick of adrenaline each time you reply thinking that you’re a freedom fighter or something but you’re really not furthering a cause here.
No, that’s not what I said. Continue with getting over it.
edit: also, the only reason why there’s 20+ replies is because you douchebags keep pushing your agenda, and I keep telling you no.
edit2: truncated link