Personally, I like this idea better than the tow truck model. It makes their car less nice but doesn’t put them in a situation where their life might be fucked if they can’t afford to get their car out of impound and their income depends on having a car.
We live in a society, and all must do our part to enforce the social contract.
It should be legal for anyone to key the shit out of cars that park like this
I already do, regardless
Regardless of whether they park legally? Or are you handicapped semi regularly?
Remember kids, if you see a guy in a wheelchair keying a car…go help. He can’t reach up high.
Personally, I like this idea better than the tow truck model. It makes their car less nice but doesn’t put them in a situation where their life might be fucked if they can’t afford to get their car out of impound and their income depends on having a car.