/PRNewswire/ -- Remote employees dedicate more time to focused work and encounter fewer interruptions than their in-office colleagues, according to a new...
The more you’re required to be there, the higher the percentage of bullshit work, in my experience. If you have actual work, they won’t care, as long as it gets done. If it’s all bullshit, they need you to be there, because it’s not about the work, at all.
I reckon I put in 5hrs / week of absolutely completely pointless meetings when I don’t speak, there are no outcomes for me, any outcomes don’t affect me, but I’m worried if I ask not to go people will think I’m slacking off.
I just don’t go and don’t say anything. If they want me there, they’ll ask for me specifically otherwise I’m busy doing real work. Requires management that isn’t fucking stupid though.
How much in office work is complete time wasting bullshit that doesn’t actually have to be done?
The more you’re required to be there, the higher the percentage of bullshit work, in my experience. If you have actual work, they won’t care, as long as it gets done. If it’s all bullshit, they need you to be there, because it’s not about the work, at all.
meetings too even when wfm.
I reckon I put in 5hrs / week of absolutely completely pointless meetings when I don’t speak, there are no outcomes for me, any outcomes don’t affect me, but I’m worried if I ask not to go people will think I’m slacking off.
I just don’t go and don’t say anything. If they want me there, they’ll ask for me specifically otherwise I’m busy doing real work. Requires management that isn’t fucking stupid though.