The same company has been harassing for the better part a year now wanting to buy a property I don’t own. I have filled a DO NOT CALL registration, I have blocked their numbers multiple times, I have told them to stop calling and to remove my name from their list, and now I’m getting maybe 1 or 2 calls a day and multiple texts.

    7 months ago

    You are on the right track. Starting at 2x and increasing your price is awesome!

    Most of them will want to “assess the value” first or something else to keep the conversation away from money, at first. They want to try and hook you, then low-ball the fuck out of you. You need to confuse their routine at all costs.

    Flipping the script will usually confuse them. If you are familiar with high pressure sales, use everything in the book. Sob stories, FOMO, extreme sense of urgency, etc. Start pressuring the fuck out of them to buy and don’t let them distract you with stupid shit.

    Now that I am thinking about it, I haven’t gotten one of those calls in months. I started dumping pages of XSS and SQL injection test scripts back at automated texts so there is a chance I broke something. Dunno.