I don’t know about you chaps but I absolutely detest the modern approach companies have with their franchises and games.

I remember you’d get the game on disc and that was it. Or maybe a expansion to go with it which improved it 100%

An example would be say the mortal kombat games, you used to be able to have all the characters or Unlock them. But now you gotta pay up to 100% the game if you want everything.

What rustles your jimmies lads?

Thank you!

  • mcqtom@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Calling it “up to” the full price of the game is being pretty generous. I’ve been really annoyed by Square Enix since they got into the DLC/microtransaction game, because their pricing is always way, way off. It started with Theatrhythm on the 3DS I think. The game had like maybe 50 songs you could play out of the box, but you could buy a ton more at 99ç a piece, which easily cost a lot more than the game itself if you wanted everything.

    Some of the skins for Dissidia NT are crazy. First you gotta buy the game, then you gotta buy the character, then you gotta buy a skin and the skin is like $20 for no reason. Unbelievable.

    I could be wrong, but I don’t think Square Enix has ever done microtransactions with a shred of dignity.