Humane is reportedly trying to sell itself for $1 billion after receiving just 10,000 orders for its confuddling, expensive and ultimately pretty useless AI Pin. The device was savaged by reviewers.
I’d drop the projector interface, as cool as it is, since you have a phone for that. Maybe make it a pendant as well as a pin.
Apple’s got a lot of experience with using tiny speakers in loud places, so I bet they could figure out something maybe using directional microphones. Plus, again, you’ve got the phone so you can use the headphones.
I’d drop the projector interface, as cool as it is, since you have a phone for that. Maybe make it a pendant as well as a pin.
Apple’s got a lot of experience with using tiny speakers in loud places, so I bet they could figure out something maybe using directional microphones. Plus, again, you’ve got the phone so you can use the headphones.