Because since Reagan and Thatcher, every generation has been paid less than the one before in real terms
Every day I see posts by Liberals bashing Gen Z for being stupid, without any self-awareness that 50 years of neoliberalism created Gen Z and gave them a horrific future outlook in housing security, employment security, financial security, climate security… all the conditions necessary for fascism to flourish.
We’ve told them this would lead to fascism for decades, and they still think they are right; pointing their fingers and blaming everyone but themselves.
this is a class and generational war… current regime is lying through their teeth to kick the can down the road… these chickens will come home soon enough tho
Because the top 10% of the country is hoovering up 90-95% of the profits of everyone’s labor.
Next question.
Exactly. Im gen x and I saw this with boomers vs everyone else. It’s just got worse with millenials then gen y. It’s the logical consequence of capitalism winning in the 80s. Those with capital are hoovering up everything
I remember this article all the way back to Gen x, then Millenials, now it’s Z, next article will be Alpha.
What point are you trying to make here?
Huh? What point are you making in asking the question? Their point seems crystal to me.
Well the way you phrased the comment, it could be read both ways…
- Every generation struggles
- Every generation struggles successively more
Not my comment
fair but the point is the same
Everybody knows why, it’s because instead of buying a house, they’re buying avocado toast!
/s if that somehow wasn’t obvious
I thought that was the millenials with their fancy fruit.
More like Fortnite skins. Can you imagine how wealthier they would be if Epic decided it’s had enough money?
I’m gonna guess because there haven’t been any meaningful opportunities for young people in 40 years.
Their about to get a whole lot poorer cause they didn’t get out and vote
Believe it or not, most of them don’t live in the US.
yes… younger people are poor because they did not vote and not because boomers and their owners gutted the country lol
That’s not at all what the comment you’re replying to said. It said that their failure to vote is only making their already bad situation worse. And it is.
Life has been progressively worse for young people since in was young and that was a a long time ago.
Bush Obama Trump biden…
But i trust you bro that corpo regime who’re kamala would have saved them and me 🤡
I suggest watching it. It exposes the why (spoiler: it’s not because they are “lazy”).
I’m an elder millenial and I’m firmly in the same boat. Nothing to inherit either since my parents don’t have property. I consider myself 100% in the camp of the youth, including gen Z. I will have to work until I die.
For sure. Rent is at least 40% of the wage, savings accounts have less interest than inflation, houses lock you in for at least 30 years of debt (if you can even come up with the minimum to get a mortgage), switching jobs gets you higher wages but are still not enough to buy a house, …
aint this system beautiful… no matter how hard you work and how much you get better wage… for 80-90% of the population it won’t be enough
Don’t worry, those predatory assisted living facilities would have wiped out everything they ever worked for anyway.
The toughest part of my life was when i was starting off in my 20s. No experience, no one wants to take a chance on a young person when they can just hire someone older for the same position.
The absolute start is the worst.
They’re not poor, the economy is fantastic! /s
Should have voted for Kamala harder