Then the assumption should be the most damning scenario for open AI that this evidence could provide.
AFAIK that is, in fact, how juries are generally instructed to regard destruction of evidence.
Let a judge be the judge of that…
I mean, even the plaintiff thinks it was an accident.
Perhaps obstructing justice isn’t as bad as copyright infringement?
“Oopsie woopsie 🤭” - OpenAI
it is the 2024 version of the dog ate my homework
Barely an inconvenience
I’m gonna need you to get all the way off my back about that missing evidence
Journalistic malpractice to repeat their “accidentally” claim without attribution or quotes
average tech journalist
In Spain, in a major political corruption trial, a party turned in as evidence some drives that had been erased by Dban 7 times. They argued that it was routine to do seven passes.
Were they erased when the investigation started or was it done time before?
A megafuckhuge IT corp who deals in data doesn’t have backups, right, RIGHT???
It’s not a bug, it’s a feature!
“Upise ahah my bad”