What an A-hole. Guess he can’t afford a saw.
And those damn screws.
I wish I was lucky enough to be a homeowner complaining about 2 mismatched fenceposts
Check where you are, because come on, that’s the whole point of this community
Wait, are we in mildyinfuriatinghomeownerproblems?
There are things I can relate to, and this is not one of them. Hence my comment
The 3 inch nails protruding through the rails are much more complaint-worthy than the too-tall pickets.
They don’t even come close to the home owners fence bro
What if they were 9 inch nails instead? I’ve heard people like them
Good news is that many landlords excel at this level of craftsmanship.
I also wish the same for us both. But I’d like to remind you, people who rent can also find themselves complaining about the neighbour’s mismatched fenceposts
I don’t know if you meant for it to come off this way or not, but to me it reads like you’re saying people who own homes shouldn’t complain about small things. Someone else always has it worse. That doesn’t mean those who are better off have no right to complain about things that annoy them (especially on the community made for complaining about mildly infuriating things).
I think it’s the fact OP is calling their neighbor an asshole for fixing their fence in a less than perfect way that really irked me. I get annoyed when privileged people want to play the victim; it’s something I know I should work on, but right now it’s a part of my character.
I get you. Until I noticed the spiked aspect of the new boards I didn’t see the problem. A repaired fence > unrepaired fence. I think it’s great.
What screws?
Yeah, Id be going back out there with a hammer and poking those nails back through the board just enough to make it flush. let the neighbor loose an eye if they want to half ass that.
“Screws? Where we are going, we don’t need screws”
Has a nail gun but no table saw
I read it as “they can’t afford saw and screws”
yeah i’d go hammer them back in. safetyfirst
It’s not just the posts. The neighbor used nails that are way too long. IMO that’s a safety hazard.
Ram it, get tetanus. Sue.
Yeah most definitely though I’d also consider its best to get longer nails than shorter ones nails mainly on a limited budget.
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What and deprive the nail gnomes of their jobs?
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Fuck that. Hit them with a hammer until the points are flush with the fence and the heads stick out on his side. It’s your yard and property…
EDIT: Never mind, it looks like the fence wasn’t exactly on the property line…
Looks like the fence might not be on the property line. On OP’s side there is a smaller fence.
I appreciate your patience
Maybe he is slowly upgrading it to a taller fence. Only 328 more to go.
I was just talking to someone who wants to replace their fence. Planks are expensive right now so he is as saying he would do it this way haha
Just damage the other posts…
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Probably needs to do that on the other side
This was well done, the attention to detail with the poorly edited nails is really funny.
The other side at the bottom would be easier (one cut no angles)
Nice quick edit. What software did you use?
Krita. I kept it low effort haha
Open-source picture editing
I see you are a man of culture as well
If it works but looks stupid…wait it’s just plain stupid
All I see is a dude who had a limited amount of fucks to give.
That fence looks backwards according to the code I’m familiar with, unless you took this inside your neighbor’s yard
Yeah, this looks like this is OP’s fence and their neighbor got sick of it
Not according to the title.
It looks like ops fence is the 3-4’ tall fence you can see at the bottom of the pic?
Neighbours probably installed his fence so it looks good to him, since it’s not seen by anyone else but the OP
If it were facing a street you pm would probably install it the other way
Are there places where code actually requires the person who paid for it gets the bad side?
I hear that a lot, but it’s always just been what people said.
Yes, my neighbors replaced their fence after the lockdown and I have the pretty side. There are places that make you do that. And I’m NOT in a HOA. City
I could possibly see it being required by a covenant community/HOA, but code? That seems a bit out there.
What’s out there? You are obstructing the view for a neighbor, it seems fair to make it be the better looking side.
Yup, having just gone through a fence replacement thing and our city’s building code - of the posts of the fence face your property, it’s your fence. So either this fence was installed improperly and with the posts reversed (probably against code), or the OP is the owner of the shitty fence.
On a side note, the other fence also looks like the posts face in - which means there are two fences on the OPs property - another building code violation where I live.
It looks like there is a smaller fence closer to the camera that would be theirs.
You would always have the pretty side if it’s your fence. You couldn’t attach the panels without trespassing on the neighbors property otherwise.
You “always” present the nice side to others.
Maybe for a front yard fence, but not a backyard. Plus if both neighbors put up s fence against each other, you’d have no way to nail/screw the slats to the frame.
If they don’t want it on the property line and they aren’t paying a penny, than nope, person paying gets the pretty side. Why would the neighbor who doesn’t own it or pay for it get the pretty side?
Also, you couldn’t install it without trespassing, so you couldn’t legally build it that way anyways
you couldn’t install it without trespassing, so you couldn’t legally build it that way anyways
I’ve helped build several fences. The solution to this is talking to your neighbour like a normal person and asking if they’ll let you do it.
talking to your neighbour like a normal person
Gross. I’ll go without, thanks.
There’s a reason why the person is paying for a fence by themselves on their own property don’t you think? The person did, and the neighbor is being a twat, so now they need to pay double the price and lose property while the dick neighbor gets a free fence and land.
Yes that’s the solution, but obviously people are dicks and thats the situation that’s being talked about here.
Why the fuck do you think we are talking about civilized neighbors here lmfao?
Hey guys, I found the dick neighbour.
If the neighbor was being agreeable you would be splitting the cost on a shared fence. And access wouldn’t be an issue, you’re building a private fence, because your neighbor is a dick. So you can’t touch their property.
If you feel the need to insult someone because you can’t comprehend the difference here, well that’s on you.
But clearly you haven’t built many fences if you haven’t run into a neighbor that refuses you access. It’s why people build private fences… because the neighbors already a dick, and you think you can just talk to them and they’ll let you access their land…? Seriously?
I guess you don’t know me very well…
You do this to make sure no one can stand on the supports and pull themselves up high enough to look into your backyard.
It was a dumb joke about presenting my “nice side” to others. But now I’m curious what goes on in your backyard!
Fences are short enough almost anyone can pull up to look over.
Who told you that’s a thing? Thats hilarous.
Not everyone is handy or knows how to use tools. Instead of a passive aggressive post on Lemmy. Perhaps talk to your neighbor comment on the fence posts and offer to fix it or show him/her how to fix it.
“Hey how is it going neighbor,I saw you fixed the fence. Love the new wood, did the hardware store not have the right length? Yeah that is a bummer, I have a saw, I’m sure I could help you get those planks evened out in a few minutes if you’d like.”
If they are a dick after that then post away.
The proper way to address them is “Neighbor ____” with the blank being their first name. I will let the very educational comic Pearls Before Swine illustrate:
And show him that nails don’t need to go 2 inches past the boards you are joining.
Perhaps the neighbor is just going for a taller fence… Over time.
Yes the screw length would be a big concern.
Neighbor is slowly transitioning to better fortifications, barbed wire will come in after the fence is taller /s
He’s trying to make each new board seam like an escalation
Looks life a shared fence. Maybe you should have offered to help instead of making this post.
Maybe that was the deal, op puts up the posts and the neighbor puts up the planks
It’s a better fence post than the one pictured
I have suspicion that you guys don’t like each other.
Gonna be completely honest OP. You are really being a jackass to this person. I understand you may be displeased by the length not matching, colour even and possibly the nails. Though you have to consider most people can barely afford repairs. Also as for the nails it’s better to be safe. Get longer than shorter ones.
Have you considered just discussing the issue with them civilly. Suggest to possibly replace a few more parts of the fence or it fully as the new stable wood he put in.
Then show him how to properly replace fences. Also possibly if you have a saw for wood. Just let them know if he’s ever doing projects. He can ask or rent it from you?
Yes, the person complaining to strangers on the internet for catharsis is the jackass and not the fucker who put multiple long fucking nails through to my side of their fucking fence. The length and color might be an eyesore and idk how that person doesn’t feel embarrassed at not even half assing this, but the real big complaint is the fucking nails.
Looking at it too! There’s two fences. So it wouldn’t even bother the other person. Unless hey try and squeeze between the walk way.
Clip the ends of the screws off. Not much more effort than moaning on Reddit, and more useful results.
Who cares. It’s just a fence lol
Those exposed screws are way worse than the mismatched boards. Safety hazard
You mean nails?
He screwed up. You nailed it.
Way to really hammer it home.
Are you sure that’s not your fence?
Yes I’m sure.
Then its facing the wrong way
Not every county, city, or location has this rule.