Unless you know what’s inside the heads of every voter who might vote for them, I don’t think that’s relevant. However, it turns out it was an Afghani immigrant anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
Unless you know what’s inside the heads of every voter who might vote for them, I don’t think that’s relevant. However, it turns out it was an Afghani immigrant anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
You have no idea how many friends I have. Considering I moved to the UK three weeks ago from the US without any friends being necessary, maybe your comment doesn’t apply to me at all.
And Panama.
I am guessing it is more than saving money. Fertility clinics might not legally be able to turn down queer people but it doesn’t mean they don’t do it anyway.
They don’t care about the law so I’m not even a little surprised.
It’s hard to know what’s inside people’s heads or why they might change their vote.
What could they possibly do on a commercial airliner that other prisoners that get transported on commercial airliners can’t do?
Again, this happens domestically all the time.
Are these people extra special dangerous because they’re foreign?
Edit: Also this. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice_Prisoner_and_Alien_Transportation_System
They may not. Some who sympathize with them may change their mind.
What are you even talking about now? You said they should be deported after serving their sentence. I’m saying if they’ve already served their sentence, why do they need to be treated like a dangerous criminal and deport them on an Air Force plane? Put them on a United flight to wherever. If they’re such a risk on a plane, have a sky marshal sit next to them on the flight. They’re allowed to be armed and they don’t have to wear anything that identifies them. What is this cartel member going to do?
They transport prisoners still serving sentences domestically that way sometimes. They don’t use the Air Force because it’s one guy on a plane and that’s silly.
Maybe it should be illegal, but that wasn’t the big problem here. The big problem here is that he was trying to take parental rights away from a queer couple that he donated the sperm to.
Talk about burying the lede by not getting to the same-sex couple for multiple paragraphs, as if fathering a bunch of children with donated sperm was the real crime. Is that even a crime?
I hope he’s AfD. At least it might convince a few more people that they are dangerous crazies.
They cared, but only because the hospital wouldn’t let them in with the ivermectin paste.
Huh. TIL. I always thought the difference between murder and manslaughter was premeditation.
I’m not into the whole spinal chord thing, but shouldn’t you vertebrates change the name to human flu when that happens?
Of the one person I know that isn’t eligible for retirement, they were planning on leaving anyway due to circumstances in their family.
That was going to be my second question- how many were not retiring, but were planning on leaving for other reasons? How many had a new job lined up before Trump even took office?
These idiots put no restrictions on this offer. And despite that, 75,000 is still far lower than the number of federal employees who retired per year in the past 10 years according to OPM.
So that means even plenty of people who would entirely benefit from this offer at no risk to themselves are telling Trump to go fuck himself.
Some were probably in the U.S. legally. Some are probably citizens who were caught speaking Spanish and being brown in public. And if that isn’t true yet, it almost certainly will be soon.
The problem with that phrase is that the “again” started happening as soon as the war ended (actually, even before it ended, Stalin was doing his best to kill off indigenous groups in the USSR and continued after it ended). And never stopped.
Talking gleefully about such things as people die is not in especially good taste.
Because this all started with me being hopeful about something and not stating anything as fact?