Shhhhh… let it pass. The generation after D.A.R.E. made marijuana legal. What do you think kids will do when teachers start saying socialism is bad and that they should stay away from it?
Smoke recreational socialism?
my history teacher in high school (around 2010) was pretty anti-socialist policy, but his arguments against it made it sound pretty good to me so you might have a point there.
If DARE is any indication they’ll come home and start crying that their dad is clearly a Communist and should be in rehab because he supports unions once a day
(My brother was convinced that our father was an alcoholic because he frequently had a single beer after work)
I wasn’t crying or everything, but I was definitely worried that my dad was an alcoholic from what I was taught in school because he had wine with dinner and when friends came over for a dinner party, they would bring a bottle of wine. I was reassured pretty quickly that he wasn’t thankfully.
Then I realized the exact opposite was true when I was in high school- there were so many bottles of wine and booze in the house because of people bringing them over all the time (professors have each other over for dinner constantly) that we had a basement room half-full of them, all on the floor, and I could just grab one when I wanted.
It’s a good thing I didn’t become an alcoholic myself.
The people who are all Trump’s age were taught that socialism is bad and they should stay away from it in school back in the 1950s. And they believed it because, unlike cannabis, you can’t experience it for yourself while in the U.S.
There was no Tiktok in 1950. They weren’t exposed to any other perspectives.
They don’t need to be afraid of communists, they need to be afraid of Americans.
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Streisand effect
I would like to think so, but like I said to someone else, Trump and his contemporaries were all taught in school the exact same bullshit and it stuck.
Unfortunately, it’s hard to see the benefits of socialism if you are never exposed to it directly and fed a steady diet of propaganda against it during your formative years.
I’m sure after the success of the New Deal, conservatives were overjoyed to find a way to denounce any and all social welfare programs again by just calling it all communism, and it basically worked.
The curriculum will be designed by the controversial Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation and will ensure all American high school students “understand the dangers of communism and similar political ideologies” and “learn that communism has led to the deaths of over 100,000,000 victims worldwide.” It will also develop a series titled “Portraits in Patriotism,” that will expose students to individuals who are “victims of the political ideologies” in question.
right like capitalism doesn’t have a death toll…
Can we get a victims of capitalism foundation or will the death squads show up?
The ruling class is terrified of the repercussions of its actions over the decades
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the
communistDemocratic party?deleted by creator
Phew, good thing I’m a Titoist.