Exam period going hard, huh?
I wish I could show this to my father-in-law, but he’s in his 80s, speaks little English, and it would take a long time to even get the meme history built up with him to actually follow the humor. If I could get him to understand the humor, though, he’d probably love it; he taught this for decades at a university.
Just tell him it’s Dadaist. He’ll understand as a German
French, but I could try
Be careful—he may understand as a German.
He does have some memories from the War!
Fucking Mohr’s circle, dear God.
“Joke” isn’t complete without some shear diagrams too.
The “without eigenvectors” being uttered by lunatics is exactly how I felt about some of my professors, so maybe this joke is a little too realistic. 😅
Drawing those Mohr’s circles was like doing transmutational alchemy for a homunculus. It was annoying but they looked cool at least.
As an egineer of material science: I think I can remember seeing some of these things. ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ