So, presuming that the accusations about TikTok and the Chinese government are true, does this mean that they recognize Musk as a kindred spirit? As someone who shares their goal of undermining the US with misinformation?
Much though that cynically amuses me, I think it’s more likely that they just see him as a fool.
If it’s even true, I’m assuming they’ll appreciate a big bag of money instead of just losing American TikTok.
Where’s he going to get the money for that? His money in is tied up in Tesla stock and no banks will give him a cent after the Twitter debacle.
Oh yes please!
Can’t wait to watch him for a second time pay twice the worth and then immediately driving it off a cliff, reducing it to 20% of its original size within a year. A psychopathic asshole destroying yet another soul crushing website, let them destroy each other