Honestly, just WTF is going on with the world today? Achievements in a mobile app for ordering coffee, like this is some sort of weird mobile game you play. Is this what we are looking forward to in our future?
Honestly, just WTF is going on with the world today? Achievements in a mobile app for ordering coffee, like this is some sort of weird mobile game you play. Is this what we are looking forward to in our future?
Can’t afford a phone?
No discount for you!!
This is a discriminatory practice, and it’s been going on for way too long. Every offender needs to be fined wildly for this shit.
“Yeah Tyler, you can get some free fries with your Big Mac that you’re buying with your dad’s credit card, because you have 100 mcpoints!”
Homeless man: please let me eat anything I am starving
It gets even worse, the federal government now only accepts applications for asylum through a mobile app
That’s several orders of magnitude worse, fuck. Soon they’ll probably close the loop and consider owning a smartphone to be evidence that things aren’t so bad for you, and you don’t need asylum.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Where did his screenshot show levels give a discount? It just looks like badges for number of drinks ordered. Something you could track on your own if you wanted.
The first badge is “Savings Starter”, which implies that using the app is providing some sort of discount. The badges may not be directly tied to a discount but the app most certainly gives you one, that’s how all of these things work.