You’re lucky – an overhead cubby and 3 drawers. Plenty of places to hide booze.
Gen X in their 20s: “Fuck these soulless cubicles.”
Gen X in their 40s: “We’re the boss now. Kill the cubicles. Open floor plan.”
Millennials in their 20s: “Fuck this distracting open floor plan.”
Millennials in their 40s: “I’m the boss now. Kill the open floor plan. Cubicles.
Holy shit I would take this over an open floor plan any day. I dream of having my own quasi-isolated space.
Follow the white rabbit
Nailed it. I was going to say scary because it looks like Morpheus is about to call you. But yes. This.
“Thomas Anderson?”
“Yeah, that’s me…”
We’re here to fix your monitor
Well, hey, I appreciate that. I’ll get out of your way. Thank you!
Yeah, that’s not happening. Here, let me jabber about things you have no interest in, while you try to remain professional and polite yet still try to diagnose and resolve the issue. Kill me…
This is the story of a man named Stanley.
Ah, ah, I almost forgot…I’m also going to need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday, too. We, uhhh, lost some people this week and we sorta need to play catch-up. Mmmmmkay? Thaaaaaanks.
I was told, I could listen to the radio, at a reasonable volume.
Nobody questions what is in the Stanley until you start slurring your morning huddle.
Please let me leave
As someone who always worked in an open office, I wish…
It took a year and a half for me to escape one of those. It’s a mistake I’ve never repeated (yet).
Hello IT… Have you tried turning it off and on again?
A 12-pack fits perfectly in that bottom drawer. (I can vouch. Very handy for Friday night overtime code review.)
Heh. “Escape”. No one gets out alive.
Would be a pretty interesting inversion of the escape room trope. Group of people get sent into cubicles and instead of solving puzzles have to fill in tps reports and make sales projection presentations to each other to be let out
The cubicles with low or no walls, so you can watch your coworkers eat and pick their nose are scarier.