Looks like Mufasa though.
Did you use some artistic liberty on those guns?
Starching? That’s a new one for me.
Aren’t you afraid of Salvatore Ganacci?
My dude skipped too many leg days
Hah! I think we’re only seeing one leg from a profile angle though. The seam down the side of the jeans gives the appearance of two twig legs. If the artist had added a sliver of rear leg, it’d probably read better, e.g.:
I definitely interpreted the seam as two legs but your version has some extra oumph
He did, but it’s too dark to notice unless you look a bit hard at the image.
Oh damn, you’re right, I didn’t see that! It blends in almost entirely on my monitor. I can see it more now that I’m on my phone.
…Perhaps an excuse to finally buy an OLED monitor…?
KAPOW Mr. Kitty
The lion got cocky and dropped its guard long enough to allow that kinda full-send cross.
Like a high school freshman party, that’s a weak punch.
Soooo… your solution to your kid’s fears is animal abuse?
Is the son 30?
Edit: What? Look at the picture, that’s no “nightmares from watching Lion King” aged kid.
“…so I painted him a picture of ME…”
ME could be the child’s name, Me don’t know
Oh god it’s mefucker
Or their uncle’s for all we know
He said he painted the portrait of himself, not his kid.
I totally read that wrong.