This suggests that the whale knew exactly what it was doing, and surely had a nice laugh about it.
This suggests that the whale knew exactly what it was doing, and surely had a nice laugh about it.
deleted by creator
Now I’m feelin so fly like a G6.
Jaroje was so worried that he tried to trade in the Cybertruck, but with no luck. He said he received a call and a text from a Tesla representative saying the company can’t take the truck back, even after sending them the hateful sticker.
“He confirmed with the text message that Tesla is not accepting Cybertruck trade-ins at this moment,” Jaroje said. He hopes the community will set aside judgment and be open to differences.
The vehicles are so bad that even the company that makes them won’t buy them.
Some personality for sure, also a year old is still quite young for a dog, he’s probably still battling those dogly instincts.
I believe the statistic that was mentioned was 75% of agents.
Fuck McConnell. He played an enormous role in making this bed that we’re all forced to lie in now. No quarter.
And every fair shuffle of a deck of cards produces a card order which has never been seen before, and will never be seen again. Ooooo scary!
I was on reddit for sixteen years, and on digg and a little slashdot for several years before that. I spend a lot of time in places like these. I’m not even on a super popular instance, and there’s plenty of content here.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens when a [State] National Guard receives mutually exclusive commands from [State] Governor and Little t.
Where there are no consequences, there is no law.
Official act.
The State Law Enforcement Division, South Carolina’s state police agency, said in a statement that its agents had opened an investigation into Bryant in December 2023 on allegations of “assault, harassment, and voyeurism.” Noting that investigation remained active and would be sent to a prosecutor for review once completed, the agency said it had “conducted multiple interviews, served multiple search warrants, and has a well-documented case file that will be available for release upon the conclusion of the case.”
Mace’s yapping about it on the House floor is surely not impeding or influencing that ongoing investigation.
It’ll make it so that if you have to go down, you can take some fascists with you.
If you don’t watch your song, I’ll wash your mouth out with human!