A reporter for the German TV channel Phoenix was caught on a hot mic expressing his frustration during live coverage of Donald Trump's inauguration on Monday.
I know this is a joke, but as someone fluent in two languages, trust me when I tell you that translating anything Trump says effectively is borderline impossible, and that’s a huge problem. It plays in his favor because people in non-english speaking parts of the world don’t get to fully see how ridiculously incoherent he actually is; they only get the sanitized version of his ramblings.
Personally, it’s been REALLY hard these past few years hearing and seeing the shit coming out of his mouth in its original language and at the same time not being able to at least share my worries with other people in my country without sounding crazy. It’s very easy to underestimate the gravity of the situation from the other side of the world if you can’t grasp how low the standards have sunk and still believe DT is just an average Republican president, and not living proof that the actual meaning of words has no value anymore.
The daily show did a segment on this. Basically translators can’t bring themselves to speak as embarrassingly as trump. They will think audience will assume them to be bad at translating if they tried for a more true representation. Especially if they try to imitate how the words are spoken as well as what words are spoken.
why, it can’t be that hard to produce ridiculous gibberish in any language.
And we will make America great again. I tell you, great. Great as it has never been before. We will make the Mexicans pay for it. And we will make the Panama Canal american again. American. Yes. Like it was when our constitution was founded. Great. Great Constitution. Great, I tell you. Have a nice day.
You can’t produce the same ridiculous gibberish. Translation isn’t just replacing each word with the exact equivalent word. It’s hard enough just making sense out of what he’s saying when he starts saying one thing and the dementia kicks in and he starts saying a different thing. Imagine trying to translate it into a language with a different sentence structure while still capturing the incoherence and limited vocabulary. Even if you manage it, people will think it’s a bad translation.
You’re right. If a German politician, yet alone the chancellor, would say something like “we’re not doing the wind thing” (roughly: Das Windding machen wir nicht") I would be highly irritated.
But, there are phrases similar that would be acceptable although they would be kind of unprofessional like “Den Windunfug gehen wir nicht mit”
That being said some stupid neo Nazi afd politician just said “Wir werden diese Windmühlen der Schande niederreißen” (We’re going to tear down those windmills of shame/disgrace")
Maybe we’ve already arrived at trump’s language level.
I know this is a joke, but as someone fluent in two languages, trust me when I tell you that translating anything Trump says effectively is borderline impossible, and that’s a huge problem. It plays in his favor because people in non-english speaking parts of the world don’t get to fully see how ridiculously incoherent he actually is; they only get the sanitized version of his ramblings.
Personally, it’s been REALLY hard these past few years hearing and seeing the shit coming out of his mouth in its original language and at the same time not being able to at least share my worries with other people in my country without sounding crazy. It’s very easy to underestimate the gravity of the situation from the other side of the world if you can’t grasp how low the standards have sunk and still believe DT is just an average Republican president, and not living proof that the actual meaning of words has no value anymore.
It would have to be translatable into english first.
The daily show did a segment on this. Basically translators can’t bring themselves to speak as embarrassingly as trump. They will think audience will assume them to be bad at translating if they tried for a more true representation. Especially if they try to imitate how the words are spoken as well as what words are spoken.
Just play Karl-Heinz Stiegler, MdB, same phraseology.
why, it can’t be that hard to produce ridiculous gibberish in any language.
And we will make America great again. I tell you, great. Great as it has never been before. We will make the Mexicans pay for it. And we will make the Panama Canal american again. American. Yes. Like it was when our constitution was founded. Great. Great Constitution. Great, I tell you. Have a nice day.
You can’t produce the same ridiculous gibberish. Translation isn’t just replacing each word with the exact equivalent word. It’s hard enough just making sense out of what he’s saying when he starts saying one thing and the dementia kicks in and he starts saying a different thing. Imagine trying to translate it into a language with a different sentence structure while still capturing the incoherence and limited vocabulary. Even if you manage it, people will think it’s a bad translation.
You’re right. If a German politician, yet alone the chancellor, would say something like “we’re not doing the wind thing” (roughly: Das Windding machen wir nicht") I would be highly irritated.
But, there are phrases similar that would be acceptable although they would be kind of unprofessional like “Den Windunfug gehen wir nicht mit”
That being said some stupid neo Nazi afd politician just said “Wir werden diese Windmühlen der Schande niederreißen” (We’re going to tear down those windmills of shame/disgrace")
Maybe we’ve already arrived at trump’s language level.