Legit thought this was just a personal collection to choose from. Gotta mix n’ match throughout the day, ya know. Perhaps start with a little masturbation, then 10 straight hours video games, followed by some flirtatious bdsm for dinner, finished off (gigiddy) with a bit more masturbation when you realize this is all a fantasy and your actually just sad and all alone . . .
P.S. Autocorrect really hates the word masturbation, lol, fuckin prude
actually just sad and all alone
Geez, dude, stop with the arrows to my heart. I do laugh at the not-really-a contradiction of masturbation and bdsm.
Don’t worry, I stabbed myself with the arrows first
Half of that is just ADHD
6/8, 75%. Damn barely above average even here
6/8 for life, bro!
I got 5/7.
Just 2 short of a perfect score
it’d be easier with two hands. but in a pinch, you could do the whole set with just one.
Pls explain how to starve and binge 3k Cal simultaneously
Take up endurance sports…
Starve yourself all week while training, do a 30k long run on the weekend, then eat 2 days worth of food in onr sitting.
I cant speak for everyone but for me it depends on the day which one itll be.
I prefer the sample platter and have a taste for the week
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