Contact your doctor if your penis looks like this.
The hammer penis, which is long and thin with a much larger head, has all the makings for a good nailing.
That’s what my gym teacher says, at least
DIY was never so sexy!!
Fun unrelated fact, in many indigenous cultures, taking things such as rocks and coral back home is considered to place a curse on your household until the item is physically returned to its original spot.
That’s not fun at all.
Ancient dildo
Let me know if your mom wants it back
If it stays hard for over four hours, you might need to take it to a doctor. How petrifying.
Penis? No, it’s a, a bicep…
See a doctor
Mildy pizza-cutter
Correction, the penis you found in Lake Huron has fossilized.
This is petrified dino dong.
A perfectly petrified possibly porous pecker pebble.
If your penis was 2D, sure.
Mine is 2D.
2” D
And you brought it home for a reason
Don’t act so high and mighty
It’s a penis rock.
What more reason is needed?
Hey, a hockey st-COCK-…-ITS GOT BALLS-…corvid.jay.jpg
You’re probably in violation of multiple laws and treaties right now.
You’ve violated the Vienna Convention on Bodily Autonomy
Federal law prohibits taking stones from national lakeshores. And the US/Canada have a treaty about molesting the great lakes, altho I don’t know the specifics.
But, Michigan says you can take up to 25lbs per year. So, who knows ¯\(ツ)/¯
Considering I live here, you would be very hard-pressed to find a DNR officer who would enforce anything but the 25 lb rule.
Not judging, but you’d think Lake Huron’s penis would be… well, you know…
See if it glows under a black light! You might have scored a yooperlite!
I’ll try, but I think Lakeport has been picked clean of Yoooerite
What’s a yooooblite?
Yooperlite. My bad. It’s a UV fluorescent sedimentary rock.
Do it.