Electing this piece of shit was outrageous and ill-advised.
it was ill-advised !!!
Not electing the alternative, if just to keep him out of office, could also be seen as that.
So he does back the blue after all - just the wrong shade of blue.
The really red shade of blue. The one with the white circle in the middle with a black swastika.
He does seem to like orange and black and white stripes though.
Fuck, DC is gonna burn…
Police response to the protests of the murder of Karon Hylton-Brown was heavy handed to say the least. With the upcoming protests already planned, this was either completely tone deaf and ignorant of the significance of the pardon. Or could be an antagonizing effort to show “riots” to justify more police violence and show the “left” as violent extremists.
Shit like this is how we get a Reichstag fire type event to allow a concentration of power and a justification for martial law or worse.
They will first wait until some horrific crime or terrorist action is commited to declare martial law on that, then try to rig the 2026 midterms to get Orbán-style supermajority (get ready for zero adspace and social media reach for the Democrats), then comes the reichstag fire.
Don’t stop I’m gonna cum
I’ve edited my comment to add more context. I don’t know if that’s still your sentiment to my post.
Damn talk about a rug pull, absolutely no cums will be had now
Also what’s your username from, I know I’ve heard it somewhere
Also what’s your username from, I know I’ve heard it somewhere
Ooh I know this one
CORRECT! (horsebatterystaple)
Or could be an antagonizing effort to show “riots” to justify more police violence and show the “left” as violent extremists.
They shouldn’t riot then, very easy. Own Trump with this one simple trick.
What benefit does a satirical account have when the content is just repeating the talking points of those you’re satirizing?
They should riot, but not when or where expected.
To think that the right wing can be so violent that it needs a presidential pardon of their crimes. Fucken insane time to be alive right now.
Trump has never heard of a killer cop he didn’t like.