Just for a little context, this program was started under W. Bush and is widely seen as his primary or sole positive legacy.
I can’t prove this is designed to aggravate the Bushes and their supporters. But who can seriously say that Trump and his henchmen wouldn’t be that petty?
There was literally an interview with Bill Gates published yesterday where he was saying he was optimistic since Trump appeared to be listening when he discussed the global AIDS pandemic over dinner.
So much for that I guess.
Yeah, he was listening, he listened and listened well. And what he learned is that there are sick people wasting resources he can take away.
So how do you justify this villainy? Just revoking anything that helps
If you want to eradicate an illness, the best way, according to fascists ,is simply act as if it didn’t exist.
It’s easy to rule uneducated people
They’re freezing 99.9% of domestic and foreign assistance. This is only one specific part of what had been halted.
The idea is to strangle the government and end anything that might keep a single dollar out of the hands of the wealthy.
You don’t. There is no justification.
Trump Admin Orders: Die. Just die.
This is one of the things everyone agrees on, what the fuck is he thinking?
He must be upset that Covid19 didn’t kill enough people under his watch and wants to try and get a better record.
Bird flu will definitely do that.
We’ve got a bully in the White House and all his little buttkissers are doing his bidding.
Politically, this was a key proponent in creating and managing difficult alliances with African, Asian, and South American countries. China, and potentially Russia and India have been waiting for this splinter. They will flood the markets with cheaper generics and people will adapt. This will be a power play America will never recover.
Oh my god. This guy plans on ruining the world via an AIDS pandemic! WTF!
Making aids great again! So much winning