David Lebryk, the longest-serving career official at the U.S. Treasury, is resigning after a conflict with Elon Musk’s allies over access to a key government payment system.
Musk’s team has sought control of the system, which distributes $6 trillion annually in Social Security, Medicare, federal salaries, and other payments.
Traditionally, only career officials handle it.
Lebryk’s departure raises concerns, as he served under multiple administrations, including Trump’s, and was widely respected for his nonpartisan leadership.
His exit signals growing instability in financial governance.
Stop fucking resigning and just handing all this shit over to this nazi
But this is the shit that America has voted for.
It’s been writ large since 2016.
And America wanted more of it.
So if I was a career politician, and I saw this bullshit voted in twice, yeh. I’d quit as soon as it was against my ethos. Clearly my ethos isn’t aligned with what Americans want.Most Americans don’t pay attention.
It’s what we deserve as a country, but very few people actually wanted this
Perhaps,now they will?
What the fuck do they have over these people that they keep resigning instead of telling Elon and Co to fuck off?
Fear. They don’t want to become a target of the hate machine Elon will wield against them if they stand in his way.
Yup. He has a legion of frat bros who follow him like he’s the Messiah. I suspect Lebryk was nearing retirement anyway, and he understandably just thought “fuck this shit, I’m out!”, before Elon Xitler started spewing hateful memes to his cult about him.
Can’t blame him at all. I hope he has a long and peaceful retirement, because it sounds like he deserves it.
But this is just one example in a deluge of other departures that is going to really fuck up the daily operation of this country. If you ‘drain the swamp’ too hard it’ll turn into a hellish desert. And that’s exactly what Musk and others coming in want. They want to bless everything dry and reform it in their own stupid, shitty image.
The one thing standing between us and that complete shitshow are the federal employees who have the passion, stubbornness, and resources to quietly resist. Regardless of whether they succeed or fail, I cannot express my gratitude for them enough.
Not to mention the private investigators he’ll hire to follow you and your family’s every move.
Their retirement.
It is easy to say, just go live under a bridge, but if that is your choice, you may think twice.
They could fell off the window accidentally, you know, it happens
Ya know I guessed that Musk and Trump were going to try to take control of the federal payment system, which I will guess theyll cause a soviet style break up soon after because theyll refuse to pay anyone. I swear to fuck if my guess comes true im taking whatever prophetic abilities I was cursed with and I am going to beat the Allfather with it. Because while the specifics were blury this is matching up to a what was apparently a vision I had when I was ten, upside is I mau get to shell a city woo!
Get ready for the return of the barter system… or bartender system, whichever.
It’s cool, friend. If you need a reliable currency there’s always the loonie, buddy. Feel free to use a more stable medium of exchange if you’d like, pal.
The Canadian dollar isn’t tied to the US dollar in any way, right?
Kinda? It isn’t tied to the US dollar but it’s backed by the US dollar.
Once upon a time all currencies were backed with gold then the US dollar seemed so stable that most currencies switched to using trade deficits to back their local currencies.
A total collapse of USD wouldn’t be great for any currency or economy but other national banks could likely pivot.
Just start using the yuan
literally trying to steal the government and take all its data on everyone
Thought exercise: Which would be the most effective assassination target, trump, Musk, someone else?
If I was in the military and had access to a bomber I would just carpet bomb mar a largo on any given weekend.
Sounds like a dream come true
The only thing we know about Vance is that he’ll lie for power and position. He’s demeaning toward rural and poor people, but that could be another lie.
There are worse people for the office.
Vance lacks the cult. He does not have the charisma for them to coalesce around him should Donald die. I’m not saying MAGA would die with Trump but the damage would be devastating.
A nicely timed bomb when they are all centrally located in probably your best bet bud.
Musk never leaves Trump’s side. Pretty sure you can get both in most circumstances. Just be sure to etch those casings
deleted by creator
X everything app brought to you by the US Treasury.
Is the US trying to shock therapy itself?
If this is where things are going, prepare for … checks notes … GDP crashes and hyperinflation.
Suggested reading
Musk is a firm believer in this system.
A bunch of other capitalists surely are as well.
And Trump is the willing agent of chaos to push it, thinking he is the controlling factor
Funny how now after years of comments and digs at federal employees being lazy and overpaid, all of a sudden people are like “oh no, please save us”. This cull is a direct result of those outright false comments, allowing people to think that the tiny budget savings if the entire federal workforce went away is a good thing.
I don’t understand how they’re physically doing this. Like don’t these places have security? They don’t work there they don’t have any legal right to be there. Why not have security throw them out?
Step 1: Set up every employee beyond the rich to have to constantly worry about healthcare, housing, food, etc, and it’s always tied to your employment
Step 2: Ensure these systems have no fallback so without a job you will just die
Step 3: Ensure that those who are working blame the class struggle on the “freeloaders” or “illegals” not holding a legal job rather than the wealthy who have built the system
Step 4: Make it so that while you are working to seize power, said people know that you control whether or not they will have a job, and therefore it’s literally a life or death choice to fight back or roll over
Step 5: Seize power. Those who roll over keep their mediocre healthcare, housing, paycheck (for now). The others you have the power to oust from employment, therefore becoming the enemies from step 3, keeping the struggle between everyone you step on as you do so
Step 6: Rape all of them. Dismantle all the services, minimize the chances of them ever fighting back because now they’re enemies of the state, keep them hating each other. Take whatever money was pooled for their benefit for the rich. Reward those who turn in anyone who speaks out with pittances. Turn the system into neofeudalism.
It goes on from there, but it’s a pretty obvious playbook. It just sucks that so many people willingly fell for the “us vs them” tribalism as the corporatocracy took control
Trump appoints Treasury secretary, who runs the department, so who would stop them if the Treasury secretary is directed by the US President to allow them access?
34-time convicted felon elected president.
Greedy billionaire befriends orange felon moron, interferes with the voting technology and bribes voters to buy the election for his pet moron dictator.
Greedy billionaire siezes control of federal payments system.
What could possibly go wrong?
Is this communism? /s
Anyone who resigns over this is complacent.
Lebryk is dishonorable in my opinion. This was the wrong choice.
Don’t roll over for Nazis, stand and fight.