I’m newish to modding games. I have been on a console my whole life and PC gaming is still relatively new to me. I’ve been modding a few games lately like Mass Effect and Baldurs Gate 3… It’s like a whole ass research assignment to figure out how to load mods. Each one different with different rules. I decided to not even bother with a significant number of mods because they just seemed mind numbingly confusing to set up.

I’m not complaining, I’m just wondering if I’m missing some trick or something.

Edit: I would like to thank everyone who answered. It appears that, nah. I’m not missing something. I am just a dummy. Probably just gonna take a while to get used to for me. But thank you very much <3

  • BananaTrifleViolin@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Genuinely not had a problem with mods, and I’ve been PC gaming for decades. Of course sometimes mods don’t work but thats life. Just be patient, you’ll get it done.

    Decent mods have a readme file - follow the steps strictly - no skipping thinking you know better - and they should work.

    Also look on YouTube or search online for guides - people often provide step by step guides to mod games purely out of a love for gaming.

    Keep going - mods can be great, and its one of the many benefits of PC gaming. You’ll get there!