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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Not a democrat, not really a republican either. Mostly just crazy.

    • Supports Trump 2016
    • Supports anyone but Trump 2020 - Briefly likes Bernie but then mainly has a parasocial relationship with Tulsi Gabbard (offers to write speeches, sends speeches to their email). Eventually gets on board with Biden Harris.
    • Somehow likes Kim Jong Un, has another parasocial relationship inviting to Hawaii and asking to be an ambassador.
    • Latches onto George Floyd protests supporting police reform.
    • Latches onto Hong Kong supporting independence. Again reaching out to be a kind of diplomat in a parasocial relationship with Carrie Lam and including his phone number and email. He does that a lot.
    • Latches onto supporting Ukraine. Has a parasocial relationship with Zelenskyy. Goes there and volunteers to help recruit eventually but people thought he was nuts over there. Kept offering to provide thousands of Afghan soldiers?
    • Asks Elon Musk about selling him a rocket to attack Putin…
    • Latches onto Taiwan supporting independence. Again offering thousands of Afghan soldiers.
    • Writes a book telling Iran they should assassinate Trump.
    • Believes China has a pneumonia bioweapon it’s using to silence democracy
    • This election his dream ticket was Vivek Ramaswamy and Nikki Haley (and yet Ramaswamy is not pro Ukraine while Haley is so I’m not sure why he’d want Haley as the VP)

    https://i.imgur.com/MU5PECk.png - here’s a png of some of the tweets he made

  • There shouldn’t be any paid resort trips for judges in the first place, even with disclosure.

    Week long colloquiums at a resort in Montana paid for by some conservative group? Why do judges need a colloquium in the first place? They don’t need to go to a conference to tell them how to judge things based on political lines. There’s already a system of judges that’s supposed to interpret grey areas of the law as a group that’s the whole point of appellate courts and the multi-judge panels on them.

  • Linus wasn’t accused of sexually harassing anyone. His company was accused of being a hostile work environment with sexual harassment by a former worker, but the accusations weren’t against Linus himself. LTT hired a 3rd party law firm to investigate - LTT said the law firm basically said there wasn’t legal liability based on the documentation they could find and LTT used that to absolve themselves and threaten to sue the accuser if she said anything else.

    But this was an LTT hired lawfirm and LTT themselves reporting on what the report said - and since it’s confidential you kind of just have to take their word that they’re accurately reporting the findings. Further there were initially some corroborators of Madison’s story who retracted and apologized quickly (assumingly after being threatened with legal action - Aprime is the example). Besides that a lot of the accusations were things that happened in person that wouldn’t necessarily leave a digital trail so it’s possible even if the 3rd party investigation was completely unbiased that everything Madison said was still true.

    In the end believe what you want but it seems slimy enough that I stopped watching.

  • This is super cool and helpful as a resource but I really don’t think people without a chemistry background should be doing anything more than following precise instructions, hopefully with some form of verification test at the end. The idea to have people without a chemistry background use a forked version of askcos and just run with it is a little scary.

    The affordable Controlled Lab Reactor for diy is fantastic for helping people follow precise instructions to the letter just all of those instructions should be meticulously vetted by actual chemists and have some safeguard tests at the end where necessary. It seems the founder wants that vision too at the end of the conference just there’s not enough of a community yet to support it.

  • Yes in a certain sense pandora’s box has already been opened. That’s the reason for things like the chip export restrictions to China. It’s safe to assume that even if copyright prohibits private company LLMs governments will have to make some exceptions in the name of defense or key industries even if it stays behind closed doors. Or role out some form of ubi / worker protections. There are a lot of very tricky and important decisions coming up.

    But for now at least there seems to be some evidence that our current approach to LLMs is somewhat plateauing and we may need exponentially increasing training data for smaller and smaller performance increases. So unless there are some major breakthroughs it could just settle out as being a useful tool that doesn’t really need to completely shock every factor of the economy.