• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • I play it occasionally. I generally have runs of good times and then runs of bad times, 30ks, random explosions/deaths. I would say I have gotten enough fun out of the starter pack that it is worth it. I probably wouldn’t pledge if I could go back in time, but I do enjoy the Vulture, so I hope they go back and make salvage profitable again, so you can make good money on something besides just bounty hunting, since most other stuff isn’t that profitable on a aUEC/time ratio. Things have been wonky for the past bit after Invictus, so I’m waiting for the next update to roll up to the live PU.

  • The funniest thing is seeing the rage from Star Citizen fanboys about all this. They keep saying “it’ll be buggy and awful on release” like SC isn’t already. I know with Bethesda, they’ll fix it up and the modders will go wild with patches and add ins, delivering all the stuff Chris Roberts said they would. Meanwhile, I try and play Star Citizen and i’ve died or failed a mission due to glitches any time i’ve tried to play this past week.

  • "At that point Digg had a serious power user and astroturfing problem, "

    lmao. Sounds familiar. I think you’re right that Reddit is going to survive, but I think this is a hard enough blow that it’s going to change the personality of the site. For one, the IPO dreams seem DOA currently, with the handling of this, the fairly toxic nature of some areas on the site, and drying up of VC in tech all seem to be bad news for any optimism for Reddit as a company. I imagine that this treatment is going to lead to migration of some communities, maybe smaller ones, leaving only the karma-farming, bot-ridden, main subs to be “the front page of the internet” anymore.

    I hope that Lemmy serves as an acceptable shelter if not home for users looking for the next good web aggregator/messageboard, despite its shortcomings and the growing pains.