People will never learn to not preorder games. I have no hope for humanity at this point.
Queue the “internet people are a vocal minority” saying. Unfortunately, it really is true. How anyone can pre-order after fo76 is absolutely bonkers to me
well. yeah. i know people don’t like to hear it, because it’d be really nice if games shipped actually finished or not incredibly bug-ridden Day 1, but for most people the protest of not preordering a game so it’ll shipped finish just… doesn’t register as a concern. unless the game is so broken it’s actively unplayable (see the recent Gollum game) most people can hang with whatever happens Day 1 and it’s not a super big deal to them, nor is the principle of a playable game on launch. this is a case of online sentiment being a vocal but clear minority.
Yeah but Bethesda?! Release a big ridden game? Unthinkable.
You don’t need the /s we all know you’re being sarcastic.
Yep!!! A game forum is a subsection of a subsection of people who actually play video games on the regular. The biggest groups of “gamers” are people like my cousin who buy the new FIFA, NBA2k and COD that come out every year.
On top of this Bethesda is one of the biggest game companies out there. It’s easy to forget because Skyrim was forever ago, but that game was so fucking huge that people I knew who didn’t care a single lick about video games asked me when “the dragon game” was coming out and if I was gonna get it and if they should get it too. I’m already getting messages from non-gaming friends asking me when starfield is coming out. The game’s gonna be explosive in popularity when it drops.
Lol I recall preordering Cyberpunk 2077
Rule 1 of Bethesda. Don’t pre order Rule 1 if space games. Don’t pre order
did no one learn from No Man’s Sky at launch like??
Well this is sad.
insert here the definition of insanity lol
Every year it’s the same thing with pre orders
especially from a Bethesda game
Why are people preordering a DIGITAL, BETHESDA game?! It’s still the Creation Engine (Creation Engine 2 so hopefully they fixed it!) so it’s probably gonna be a buggy mess at release.
Fallout 76 PTSD intensifies
Why are people preordering a DIGITAL, BETHESDA game?! It’s still the Creation Engine (Creation Engine 2 so hopefully they fixed it!) so it’s probably gonna be a buggy mess at release.
Unlike many online gaming communities, there are many people in the world that enjoy playing video games. So, when they see a game that looks fun to play, they buy it or pre-order it.
I love how you imply people here don’t enjoy playing videogames, when in reality we do, we just expect a 70 dollar product to fucking work.
What you’re describing is called being a “consumer whore” and is the #1 reason unregulated capitalism will always lead to our demise. Consumers are morons and will willingly pay full price for some broken loot box addled bullshit because they didn’t learn from the last fifteen times they got burned when preordering.
Buying is different to preordering.
I would not buy a broken mess. Why would I preorder it
I was going to buy it anyways, even if it’s a mess. If I spend the money now, the game feels free later.
I actually haven’t preordered it and might not, but this is how I felt about Mass Effect Legendary Edition, and Bethesda games are at the same tier for me. I have hundreds of hours in every game since Morrowind; I’ll eventually get my money’s worth.
If I spend the money now, the game feels free later.
“If I pay full price for a sub par product now, it feels like a free upgrade when they finally give me what they told me I’d get six months ago!”
Do you also punch yourself in the nutsack because when it feels so good when you stop?
Thanks for your concern, but I think I understand my own enjoyment of things and my financial situation better than an internet stranger.
I’ve preordered two games in the last decade and I regretted neither (ME:LE and FO4). If I regret this one, I’ll get over it.
Thanks for continuing to be a part of the problem with videogame development and the reason AAA gaming is a disaster 👍
I’m really excited as well, but man… Don’t think I’ve preordered anything in… Like ten years?
On reddit, there was a sub I sometimes frequented called /r/patientgamers. Was good to have some compatriots in either waiting for sales or just enjoying old games because they’re still fun.
Only two times did I relent and buy games at full price over the last few years. BOTW and Spider-Man PS4 (which I actually just got bundled with my late entry into owning a PS4).
Considering this is Bethesda, as much as I like them, I might just renew my Game Pass subscription for this, rather than pay full price. (Side note: I’m 100% expecting the Game Pass price to jump just before Starfield is released.)
Once it’s on sale, I’ll get it on Steam because I can guarantee the modding scene is going to have way more freedom there than they’ll have with the Windows Store version.
So maybe play it near release on GP, buy it a few months later on Steam.
It’ll take a few months for major mods to start hitting the scene anyway because they won’t release the Creation Kit immediately. Of course, a lot of mods will be out there within a few days, but I’m expecting it to be mostly unofficial patches (thank fuck the community has agreed on ignoring Arthmoor and doing it with open permissions this time) and silly nonsense like replacing models or whatever, plus a few cheaty things here and there.
I still remember the last game I pre-ordered. Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Game straight up didn’t work for like 6 months. And they promised all this free shit to us who bought it day one, but those of us who got it digitally didn’t qualify, so we didn’t get it. Even though I asked a Microsoft store rep if we qualified and they said yes. They later said no.
Never again for me.
At least if you pre-order with steam, you can get a refund according to their normal policies if the game doesn’t meet your expectations.
Though the only advantage tends to be preloading the game plus whatever bullshit bonus games tend to come with when you pre-order.
Preordering is dumb, preordering in 2023 when it’s 50/50 whether any given PC port is going to be a total mess is dumb
At least they can refund?
Really depends on the platform I suppose. Steam does a good job at that. Xbox or 3rd party key sellers? Not as much.
For sure. Guess I’m saying I can’t fault people too much for preordering on Steam for the preorder bonuses since they can refund if the PC version is horribly optimized or the game is bad. Not my strategy, but I understand it
Preordering is just giving a multimillion dollar company a free loan of your own money.
But I have to preorder only to be wildly disappointed so that I get the full NMS clone experience.
It’s not really a loan if they don’t give it back.
Whats it called when you give money away with no return? In this case, the loan is re-payed when they allow you to download the game you bought months prior.
Gift? Donation?
Nobody has ever been burned by preordering, so I’m not seeing the downside here.
And it’s a good thing that Bethesda has never released a game that was unplayably janky at launch, otherwise I’d be worried for everyone.
But it I don’t have it pre-loaded on launch day, might miss some of those magical Bethesda Bugs™ that get patched out after release! What if all the planets are just hats worn by NPCs and they forget to hide the legs? What if the spaceships get spontaneously replaced with Skyrim horses if you go in and out of building just right? I could miss some of the best moments of the game if I don’t get that unpatched Day 1 experience!
Don’t worry, they’ll rerelease the game with day 1 bugs at least 4 more times over the next two years.
People still preorder games at full price even after all the controversies… Ngl the game looks sexy and may be a big hit but the price is a big no
I won’t lie I only preordered because I wanted the 5 day early play. My excuse though is that I literally have not preordered a game since we still needed to get them from Gamestop and I’ve been waiting for Starfield for like 5 years now.
The funniest thing is seeing the rage from Star Citizen fanboys about all this. They keep saying “it’ll be buggy and awful on release” like SC isn’t already. I know with Bethesda, they’ll fix it up and the modders will go wild with patches and add ins, delivering all the stuff Chris Roberts said they would. Meanwhile, I try and play Star Citizen and i’ve died or failed a mission due to glitches any time i’ve tried to play this past week.
Star Citizen still has fanboys?
yup, sunk cost fallacy I suppose.
Pff it’s fine. I will fly my Cutlass when I am retired.
As a Star Citizen fanboy, Starfield looks amazing and I can’t wait to play it! The more space games the better.
I won’t even consider buying until it’s been out for at least a year or two. By then the major bugs will have been fixed and all the content added.
Thats is pretty gross. Why is that the greater community continues to pre-order everything!
Because for the most part we know we are going to be buying it before it goes on sale anyways and preordering it generally lets us preload it and gives you some extras (that generally are not worth anything in game but still cool to have). The big thing for me, especially with this game, is that preordering it gets me a Sept1 release which is right before the weekend and I can proload it with the leftover data to help prevent a datacap in September.
I have not preordered it yet… but I will.
I would bet they are releasing on the Wednesday after Labor Day specifically so that the premium early-access date is right before most people with a salaried job are having a long weekend. Which is scummy of MS/Bethesda but I guess I’m the sucker cause I’m taking that whole week off and ofc I want to start playing right after I get off work on Friday. 🤷
If releasing broken games wasn’t profitable, then it wouldn’t happen. The vast majority of people don’t read reviews or keep up with scummy industry practices etc.
A cousin of mine bought sonic boom on release and was super happy with it. They never finished it or were aware of the controversy whatsoever.
Fair enough I guess. Still just… Frustrated.
Absolutely. Companies/publishers/etc. are rewarded for putting out the bare minimum because they can still get a “the most profitable game we’ve released”. At a certain point the “brand” essentially becomes a money printer.
Do not preorder ffs…
Another proof for publishers that they only need big promises and nice trailers to sell their game, nevermind the state they ship it in
Damn it, what ever happened to no pre-orders. People never learn, do they?
Or they just don’t care what niche communities think about pre-ordering and they just play their games and enjoy them?