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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I’m barely into politics, my high school teachings of the political system aren’t terribly strong in my mind. All that to ask:

    1. Can he do that?

    And, if so:

    1. What would need to happen for a president to convert our system to lifetime terms?

    2. What would need to happen for a president to convert our system to a dictatorship/monarchy/whatever? (so we actually never voted again)

    3. Is it at all likely that Trump could make either of those things happen?

    P.S. You don’t need to make the 86th comment about how this isn’t cryptic. Shitty headlines should be criticized, but it isn’t adding to the discussion at the point. I mean, look at me, I managed to get through this entire comment and not menti- Oh crap, I’m part of the problem.

  • I think kinda everyone did. I never loved the guy, I got weird vibes and thought he was majorly overrated, but I thought he was fine, and I respected the work he’d attached his name to.

    Hell, I still respect the hell out of starlink, as someone who had dial-up or old style sattelite with 15GB/mo limits until I moved out of my parents house 6 years ago. That shit’s cool as hell, I would’ve killed for it as a kid, and my dad did shell out for it when it became available.

    I don’t really attribute anything cool that’s come out of Elon’s companies to him any more though, in my mind all the credit goes to the talented leaders and engineers that are “under” him. There is something to be said about bankrolling these things, I suppose, but I don’t think it’s as noble a mission as we all once thought. He just wants to be liked by people and make money.