CBC/BBC/Al Jazeera, checking the Economist for my minute by minute bellweather county level fun.
CBC/BBC/Al Jazeera, checking the Economist for my minute by minute bellweather county level fun.
Ha, never heard or thought of trans Rowling but if I knew Harry Potter better I’d be damned tempted.
If they keep making movies that respect our intelligence or hit our nerd youth while not being a four quadrant flick, I’ll keep going!
Ohhhh good point, thanks! She’s still fairly mobile (though not as agile a jumper as she once was, which she gets angry about, loudly) but that’s a great thing to remember!
Ha, totally fair. I really hate SQL server’s dark mode options though and as I work through a few frustrating networks, I like just being plugged directly in, without screwing around with a better IDE.
But I’m an uncouth savage who uses f.lux as the day wears on.
Sounds like a great plan, hadn’t even considered they might have something like that! Thanks!
Oh that makes sense! I was a little worried it might be too hot but I imagine one at a pet store would have the temp taken care of etc.
Thanks folks, these were great suggestions! I will be getting her a heat pad shortly!
I mean, it probably would’ve been ideal then but as usual, America was recovering from/embroiled in the last Conservative disasters (financial crisis, Afghanistan/Iraq.) And Obama had just burned a lot of political capital giving people healthcare.
I gave her extra head skritches, kisses and a treat for you! I think she approved.
She sounds adorable, sorry you had to lose her, I hope you’re getting through it as best you can. My elderly cutie pie is deteriorating and loudly demands affection sporadically but I know I’d rather have her howling at me at whatever o’clock than not.
Glad mine isn’t the only one!
That seems wild but adorable.
I upgraded from a twin to queen but now thr cat feels more comfortable in the bed if it’s just us. But I’ve been trained by twin bed relationships to sleep on one side so it’s been an unlearning process. And sometimes when I’m on the side and she’s in the middle I have less space than I did with the twin!
Trust a cat to find the least convenient “compromise.”
Going as Mr Clean. Seems simple and fun. Although, with Halloween parties being what they are, we’ll see how long those pristine whites last.
Oh you sweet summer child of a blog poster. The aliens could make us live like say, how things are going for the Ethiopians, Syrians, Congolese, Lebanese, Palestineans, Yemeni, Russians etc.
Or like people have lived through most of history. Especially as a someone who presents female, that seems especially non ideal.
That movie scared the hell out of me as a kid, does it sort of hold up a quarter century later?
“Even if the chances are one in a million” damn. Just think about that the other way! “Even if 999,999 families have to lose a loved one, that seems fair enough to me.”
Talk and gasp befriend those with whom we disagree.