Vote to change it to Gulf of Luigi
Vote to change it to Gulf of Luigi
Did i just witness the birth of a original Lemmy copypasta?
I understand it. When I was quite young, my father was also convinced that beating was an educational method. It took him almost 30 years to apologize for it. In situations like this I tend to say “gtfo as fast as you can”, but of course that’s not always an option.
Stay strong, you still have your whole life ahead of you and it will get better.
Well that is beyond fucked up. here in germany you go to jail right away if you slap your child. Using the belt would be considered aggravated assault here and he would be gone for the next 2 years at least. It is completely insane that something like this could be legal.
As subtle as a brick through a window.
Oh, i had a very nice french neighbour at my old place. She was singing french chanson in a café i was a regular in. There was also a Franco-German friends’ association that met there from time to time.
Especially in southern Germany (but actually almost everywhere), French or French-speaking people are quite widely represented and very welcome!
I can understand if you don’t want to give up your homeland. I would only leave Germany as an absolute last resort either. Then i would probably try to flee up north to the Scandinavian countries.
But I have to say, looking at the situation in the States, without wanting to sound overly dramatic, there is a good chance to think it’s already reached the point of no return and best is to gtfo now. I mean, at least from the outside perspective, it looks really really bad.
Of course! And i think German is not that difficult anyway. Since English is a Germanic language, it’s relatively easy for many people who already know it to learn some German.
I’m afraid the main problem would be the housing crisis. e.g. i’ve been without my own place for over 2 years. Have to sleep on a couch at a relative’s small appartement. I basically occupy the living room.
I hope this problem can be solved over the next years. Of course, the right-wingers promise exactly that. And their solution is “get everyone out who is not like us”.
One step after another. Right now the #1 priority is stopping the fucking facists from getting into power.
As a German, I can say that some more left-leaning like-minded friends would be very welcome here.
deadline of February 15
A week before the elections. great…
And i hope it never changes. It works. Don’t touch it!
No idea why nobody linked it yet, but you can buy them here: https://www.comradeworkwear.com/products/the-playing-cards
The European Union seems powerless to counter the assault
Oh please. These pissbaby techbros wouldn’t be crying so much if they weren’t hit where it hurts. It usually takes a while for the wheels of EU bureaucracy to turn, but the following blow is all the harder for it.
As someone who is very happy to live in the EU and proud of what it has achieved so far, I can say: Fuck you Trump and your appendant ulcers!
I think the other way around is wrong and immoral. Forcing a child to suffer their whole life is pure evil in my book. If you have the opportunity to prevent this, it is your duty to do so.
classified as a “suspected” extremist group
The AfD was classified by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution as “confirmed right-wing extremist” in Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia. There is nothing “suspected” about it. They are without even the slightest doubt extreme right-wing facists. Or in short, fucking Nazis.
Nice. That saves money on heating. Can use it for the ammo I’ll need in the upcoming water wars.
Had not seen that Allensbach has not updated yet. It is usually much closer to the results than e.g. INSA. But yeah, looks they went up a bit indeed. ffs…
What the fucking shit is this shit?! This is not a biography but a product description for a love doll.
Edit For the curious, this was the original link: https://biographiesareus.com/natalie-winters/